M. A. (English Litt.), PGDTE (EFLU)
M.Sridevi, is currently Asst. Professor, Dept of Humanities and Sciences, G.Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool. She has about 11 years of experience in teaching. She has published research papers in journals of international.
S.No | Name of Degree | Branch/ Specialization |
Name of College | Name of University | Year of Passing |
1 | M. A. | English Literature | Osmania University | Osmania University | 1998 |
2 | PGDTE | Phonetics & Linguistics | EFLU | 2004 |
- Communicative English
- Functional English
- English for Professional Communication
- Sridevi, Franz Kafka’s Employment of Animal Characters: A Study, Global Journal of Research Analysis, Vol-8, Issue-5, May- 2019. ISSN No. 2277-8160.
- Sridevi, Franz Kafka’s Fantastic Creatures, IJELLH. Vol-8, Issue-10, May- 2019. ISSN No. 2321-7065.
- Sridevi, Franz Kafka: A Man living behind the glass wall. IJELLH. Vol-6, Issue-8, August- 2018. ISSN No. 2321-7065.