Mr.E.Sivakumar goud, is currently Assistant professor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of G.Pullaiah college of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool. He holds M.Tech degree from JNTUA, Anantapuramu in the field of Power and Industrial Drives.
No |
Name of Degree | Branch/
Specialization |
Name of Institute | Name of University | Year of Passing | % of Marks/
1 | SSC | SSC | R.R. public school, Kurnool | Secondary School of Education, AP. | 2010 | 87.16
2 | INTER | BIE | Masters Junior College, Kurnool | Board of Internediate Education,AP | 2012 | 92.6 |
3 | B.TECH | ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING | Brindavan institute of technology and science,kurnool | JNTUA,
Anantapur |
2016 | 77.69
4 | M.TECH | POWER AND INDUSTRIAL DRIVES | Geethanjali College of Engineering &Technology,Kurnool | J.N.T.U Anantapur | 2020 | 7.94 |
E.Sivakumar goud “Simulation of three phase hybrid boost converter control for a PV charging station” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). ISSN:2457-0362,VOL.10 ISSUE09, PAGE NO:20-31,SEPTEMBER-2020.