Research Resources
Published : National / International Journals

Sr.No. | Title of Paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal |
1 | Experimentation on Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Ceramic Tile Pieces in Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha, B J Reddy | CE | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Technology |
2 | Rice Husk Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material | Syed Afzal Basha, Vinod Kumar, S Akhil Tej | CE | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Technology |
3 | Plastic a Coarse-Aggregate in Concrete | N G Kalyani, Vinay Babu, Afzal Basha | CE | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences |
4 | Consequences of using GGBS and m-sand on the properties of high strength concrete | Syed Afzal Basha, B J Reddy | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering |
5 | Evaluation of Zeolite as Supplementary Cementitious material | Syed Afzal Basha, Vinod Kumar, S Akhil Tej | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
6 | Design of Bi-axial column using VB-6.0 | A Vinod Kumar, S Afzal Basha, Bala Hussainy, Akhil Tej | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering |
7 | Role of Rice Husk Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material In Concrete | S Afzal Basha, Vasu Praveen, Nirupam | CE | Journal of Cement and Concrete Research |
8 | Seismic Behaviour of Elevated Liquid Storage Tanks by Considering the Different Soil Types Using MATLAB Software | A Vinod Kumar, S Afzal Basha, Akhil Tej | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
9 | Role of Kadapa Marble Powder as Mineral Admixture In High Strength Concrete | S Afzal Basha, Shuaib, Rajesh | CE | Journal of Cement and Concrete Research |
10 | Concrete making using salt water instead of fresh water | N G Kalyani, Vinay Babu, Afzal Basha | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
11 | Study of degree of saturation in durability models of reinforced concrete for chloride attack | S Vinay Babu, J Ushasree, Sivarama krishnan | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
12 | Comparative Analysis of load transfer efficiency in plane and continuous reinforced concrete pavements | S Vinay Babu, Soundarajan | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
13 | Comparative analysis of bore water and municipal water around Kurnool district region | S Akhil Tej, Nagalatha, Chaitanya | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
14 | Water quality testing in rural areas around Kurnool district | S Akhil Tej, Harshith, Maneesha | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
15 | Utilization of low cost paper brick in urban areas | C G Mohan Babu, Bharath, Mubashir | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
16 | Experimental studies on mechanical and durability properties of high performance concrete with partial replacement of fine aggregate with crushed quartzite and binding material by fly ash and silica fume | C T Veena, C Sashidhar, V Sudarshan | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
17 | Quantifying damage in building due to earth quake | C G Mohan Babu, A Vinod Kumar, S Akhil Tej, Bala Hussainy | CE | Journal of Cement and Concrete Research |
18 | Utilizing coal ash as partial replacement in place of cement to produce concrete, | N G Kalyani, Vinay Babu, Veena C T | CE | Materials Today Proceedings |
19 | Effect of pollutants on permeability characteristics of soil | S Akhil Tej | CE | International research journal of Engineering and Technology |
20 | Mechanical and durability studies on high performance concrete with replacement of fine aggregate with quartzite | C T Veena, C Sashidhar, R V Sudarshan Reddy | CE | Journal of Cement and Concrete Research |
21 | Experimental studies on mechanical properties of concrete by using glass waste as partial replacement of fine aggregate | C T Veena, Mahendra, Gopala Krishna | CE | Journal of cement and concrete research |
22 | Experimental study on strength properties of concrete by using self curing agents | C T Veena, Sridhar, Chandrika | CE | Journal of cement and concrete research |
23 | Effect of Replacing Sand with Brick Aggregates in Self-Compacting Concrete, | Syed Afzal Basha, B J Reddy | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering |
24 | A Review on Diminution of Power Quality Issues in a Microgrid Using Various Facts Devices | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering |
25 | Performance Analysis of Distributed Power Flow Controller Employing Genetic-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller in Photovoltaic-Wind Hybrid System |
Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | A. Tomar et al. (eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 915 |
26 | Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy System using Distributed Power Flow Controller |
Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | 2021 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) |
27 | Distributed power flow controller based on fuzzy-logic controller for solar-wind energy hybrid system |
Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) |
28 | Control strategy for plug-in electric vehicles with a combination of battery and supercapacitors |
Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 2023; 14: 20220111 |
29 | A Review on Diminution of Power Quality Issues in a Microgrid Using Various Facts Devices | Dr G pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering |
30 | Design and Analysis of Flying Capacitor Multilevel Matrix Converter for aDFIG Machine based Wind System |
Dr G pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 473-478 |
31 | Single Phase Advanced Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Devices and THD for Industrial Applications |
Dr G pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 1006-1011 |
32 | Fuzzy Logic-Based Pitch Angle Control for VariableSpeed Wind Systems |
Dr G pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS-2023 pp. 559-566 |
33 | Arduino Based Metal Detector for Military Security | Dr G pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering |
34 | Single Phase Advanced Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Devices and THD for Industrial Applications |
M Venkateswarlu | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 1006-1011 |
35 | Design and Analysis of Flying Capacitor Multilevel Matrix Converter for aDFIG Machine based Wind System |
M Venkateswarlu | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 473-478 |
36 | Single Phase Advanced Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Devices and THD for Industrial Applications |
S Sankara Prasad | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 1006-1011 |
37 | Voltage and Frequency Control of a PV-Battery-Diesel Generator based Standalone Hybrid System | M Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) |
38 | Novel Switched Capacitor Converters with Reduced Components for Step- up Multilevel Inverter Topology |
M Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Journal of Engineering Sciences |
39 | Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System using DSTATCOM | M Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS) |
40 | A Novel Method of Current Fed Dual Bridge DC to DC Converter with ZVS |
M Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) |
41 | Solar Fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Output Voltage Regulation | M Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Journal of Engineering Sciences |
42 | Arduino Based Metal Detector for Military Security | A Suresh Kumar | EEE | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering |
43 | Performance Evaluation of Spider Web Tie (S-B-T) PV Panel Configuration to Reduce PV Mismatch Losses | A Suresh Kumar | EEE | Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems |
44 | Comparative Performance Evaluation of PV Configurations Under Various Shaded Conditions |
A Suresh Kumar | EEE | 2022 International Virtual Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control: Developments in Electric Vehicles and Energy Sector for Sustainable Future (PECCON) |
45 | Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Controllers for Single Stage Grid Connected PV System | Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications |
46 | Power Quality Improvement of Standalone Microgrid during Faults on Distribution Line with DSTATCOM |
47 | Novel Switched Capacitor Converters with Reduced Components for Step- up Multilevel Inverter Topology |
U Chaithanya | EEE | Journal of Engineering Sciences |
48 | Power Quality Improvement of Standalone Microgrid during Faults on Distribution Line with DSTATCOM |
49 | A Novel Control of DC to DC Converter for Renewable Energy Sources | U Chaithanya | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) |
50 | Solar Fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Output Voltage Regulation | U Chaithanya | EEE | Journal of Engineering Sciences |
51 | A Novel Control of DC to DC Converter for Renewable Energy Sources | K Deepak | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) |
52 | Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System using DSTATCOM | K Deepak | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS) |
53 | A Novel Method of Current Fed Dual Bridge DC to DC Converter with ZVS | K Deepak | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) Pages 941-946 Publisher IEEE |
54 | Performance Comparisons of Multilevel Inverter Topologies | K Deepak | EEE | Published in: 2023 Second International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS)Date of Conference: 02-04 March 2023 |
55 | Novel Control of Standalone Hybrid Wind-PV-Battery System for Improving Power Quality | K Deepak | EEE | Published in: 2023 Second International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS)Date of Conference: 02-04 March 2023 |
56 | Power Quality Improvement of Standalone Microgrid during Faults on Distribution Line with DSTATCOM |
57 | A Novel Method of Current Fed Dual Bridge DC to DC Converter with ZVS |
K Deepak | EEE | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) |
58 | Performance Analysis of Distributed Power Flow Controller Employing Genetic-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller in Photovoltaic-Wind Hybrid System |
V Sowmya Sree | EEE | A. Tomar et al. (eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 915 |
59 | Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy System using Distributed Power Flow Controller |
V Sowmya Sree | EEE | 2021 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) |
60 | Distributed power flow controller based on fuzzy-logic controller for solar-wind energy hybrid system |
V Sowmya Sree | EEE | International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) |
61 | A Review on Diminution of Power Quality Issues in a Microgrid Using Various Facts Devices | V Sowmya Sree | EEE | Journal of Electrical and Power System Engineering |
62 | Arduino Based Metal Detector for Military Security | V Sowmya Sree | EEE | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering |
63 | Design and Analysis of Flying Capacitor Multilevel Matrix Converter for aDFIG Machine based Wind System |
Y Indira Priya Darshini | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 pp. 473-478 |
64 | Arduino Based Metal Detector for Military Security | Y Indira Priya Darshini | EEE | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering |
65 | Power Quality Improvement of Standalone Microgrid during Faults on Distribution Line with DSTATCOM |
66 | Power Quality Improvement of Standalone Microgrid during Faults on Distribution Line with DSTATCOM |
67 | Fuzzy Logic-Based Pitch Angle Control for VariableSpeed Wind Systems |
D Vannurappa | EEE | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS-2023 pp. 559-566 |
68 | MIMO Antenna Design: A Comprehensive Study of Antenna and Isolation Enhancement Techniques for 5G Communication | T TIRUPAL | ECE | GIS Science Journal |
69 | Face Mask Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network | T. TIRUPAL | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
69 | A Y-shaped photonic integrated device with XNOR/NAND/NOR for optical signal processing | DR. Y. PANDURANGAIAH | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
70 | Implementation of All-optical 3 dB and 10 dB directional coupler for switching applications | DR. Y PANDURANGAIAH | ECE | Photonic Network Communications |
71 | Time differenced double difference method for measurement of Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIc) receiver differential Phase Bias | Dr. K CT Swamy | ECE | International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking |
72 | NavIC Pseudorange Bias Estimation and Analysis Using Double Difference Method with Different Baseline Lengths |
DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation |
73 | Image Specular Highlight Removal using Generative Adversarial Network and Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimization Technique | Dr. D. Rajasekhar | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
75 | Health care monitoring wearable Microchip Patch Antenna for Elder People with Acceptable SAR | G RAMARAO | ECE | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology |
76 | Implementation of all‑optical 3‑dB and 10‑dB directional coupler | G. RAMA RAO | ECE | Photonic Network Communications |
78 | Design and Implementation of Forbidden Transition Free CAC design | B. OBULESU | ECE | Journal of Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering |
79 | Vehicle Monitoring System using Arduino | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Computers and Electrical Engineering |
80 | Design and Implementation of Crosstalk Noise Avoidance by using Advanced Test Adapted Shielding for high speed vlsi circuits | B. GEETHA RANI | ECE | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems |
81 | LOW POWER DESIGN OF 4×1 MUX USING MGDI TECHNIQUE | K. VANITHA | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics volume |
82 | Radar Based Object Detection using Ultrasonic Sensor | K VANITHA | ECE | Applied Optics |
83 | Smart Life Saver System for Scuba Divers using GSM Module | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
85 | Adaptive Highway Networks: An IoT Solution for Improving Road Safety at Turnovers and U-Turns |
P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research Science and Communication Technology |
86 | Biometric Voting System using LABVIEW | P. VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
87 | Implementation of Ripple Carry Adder using Full Swing Gate Diffusion Input | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | Optical Fiber Technology |
89 | Internet of Things-Based Digital Helmet Design and Deployment | MA. FARIDA | ECE | Applied Optics |
91 | Modeling and anatomization of three-input photonic crystal-based XOR/ XNOR gates for photonic integrated circuits | A. PARVATHI | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
92 | An All Optical 2 × 1 Multiplexer Using a Metal-Insulator-Metal based Plasmonic Waveguide for Processing at a Rapid Pace | T SWETHA | ECE | Results in Optics |
93 | Modeling and anatomization of three-input photonic crystal-based XOR/XNOR gates for photonic integrated circuits | T. SWETHA | ECE | Results in Optics |
94 | Design of Three-valued Logic Based Adder and Multiplier Circuits using Pseudo N-type CNTFETs | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | Results in Optics |
95 | Rainfall and Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IoT) | K. VINOD KUMAR | ECE | Optoelectronic Devices and Integration XI |
96 | Comparative Analysis of Active Noise Cancellation for Linear and Non-Linear Systems using Fx-LMS Algorithm | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | Trends in electronics and informatics |
97 | S. FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | Multimedia Tools and Applications | |
98 | Image Specular Highlight Removal using Generative Adversarial Network and Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimization Technique | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications |
99 | High-speed optimisation of an all-optical half adder using a T-shaped photonic crystal waveguide with an improved contrast ratio |
K UMA MAHESWARI | ECE | Pramana Journal |
100 | Implementation of all‑optical 3‑dB and 10‑dB directional coupler for switching applications | B PRAVEENA | ECE | International Journal of Emerging Technology |
101 | Design and performance enhancement of an all-optical demultiplexer for optical computing applications employing photonic crystals | B. PRAVEENA | ECE | International Journal of Innovation in Multidisciplinary Scientific Research |
102 | A miniature design of binary subtractor using 2-D photonic crystal structure for high-speed applications | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
103 | Design and optimization of photonic crystal based all-optical logic gate with enhanced contrast ratio | P. BINDU SWETHA | ECE | SN Computer Science |
104 | Modeling and simulation of photonic crystal switching devices for high computational applications | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Industrial Automation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
105 | A novel structure of all‑optical optimised NAND, NOR and XNOR logic gates employing a Y‑shaped plasmonic waveguide for better performance and high‑speed computations | K. ANIL KUMAR | ECE | Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Industrial Automation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
106 | Design of All‑Optical Directional Coupler Using Plasmonic MIM Waveguide for Switching Applications | D. IMRAN | ECE | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems |
107 | Improved design of all‑optical half‑adder and half‑subtractor circuits using MIM plasmonic waveguides for optical networks | D IMRAN | ECE | Agriculture and Aquaculture Applications of Biosensors and Bioelectronics |
108 | An All Optical 2 × 1 Multiplexer Using a Metal-Insulator-Metal based Plasmonic Waveguide for Processing at a Rapid Pace | SOFIA SABA | ECE | 7th IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI) |
109 | A novel structure of all‑optical optimised NAND, NOR and XNOR logic gates employing a Y‑shaped plasmonic waveguide for better performance and high‑speed computations | S. SOFIA SABA | ECE | International Conference on Robotics and Cyber Physical Machines |
110 | Complex Frequency Block Domain Analysis and Efficient Implementation for Computational Active Noise Control | T SUMAN | ECE | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications |
111 | IoT based Social Device Network with Cloud Computing Architecture | T. SUMAN | ECE | IEEE |
112 | Precipitation Measurements using Rain Sensor with Vertical Profile Ultrasonic Sensor | B ERAMMA | ECE | IUP Journal of Information Technology |
113 | A Short Review of Python Libraries and Data Science Tools | B. EERAMMA | ECE | South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
114 | Design of all optical full subtractor with plasmonic wave guides for high speed applications | SYED SHANWAZ | ECE | Results in Optics |
115 | Image Segmentation by shuffled complex Evolution and Ostu Threshold Methods | S SHAHNAWAZ | ECE | International Conference on Robotics and Cyber Physical Machines, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Elsevier. |
116 | Design and Implementation for crosstalk Noise Avoidance in VLSI Circuits using Fibonacci Numeral Codes | G RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Material Science and Technology |
117 | Securing the Encrypted Colour Images | G. RAHASEKHAR | ECE | METSZET JOURNAL |
118 | Advanced Image Processing Algorithms for Categorizing and Evaluating Plant Diseases: A Study | G MAHALAKSHMI | ECE | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
119 | A Comparison and Survey on Brain Tumour Detection Techniques Using MRI Images | G. MAHALKASHMI | ECE | Current Signal Transduction Therapy |
120 | Categorization of Leaf Ailments Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review | S RUKSANA BEGUM | ECE | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
121 | A Comprehensive Survey of Techniques, Applications and Challenges A Deep Learning, A revolution in Machine Learning | S RUKSANA . BEGUM | ECE | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
122 | Block Chain Solutions for IoT Devices Against DDoS Attacks : A review | S. HARIKA | ECE | IUP Journal of Information Technology |
123 | Applications and Techniques of Natural Language Processing: An Overview | S HARIKA | ECE | IUP Journal of Computer Science |
124 | A Survey of Clustering Methods for Health Care Using Data MIning | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
125 | AI in Transportation: Current and Promising Apllications | K. PUSHPAKALA | ECE | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
126 | Design of Three valued Logic based Adder and Multiplier circuits using Pseudo N-type CNTFETs | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics |
127 | Detection of Hand Gestures | S. TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems |
128 | An All Optical 2 × 1 Multiplexer Using a Metal-Insulator-Metal based Plasmonic Waveguide for Processing at a Rapid Pace | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research |
129 | convalutional neural network based on traffic sign recognition in the forest | m/. VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | Material Science and Technology |
130 | Modeling and anatomization of three-input photonic crystal-based XOR/XNOR gates for photonic integrated circuits | T LAVANYA | ECE | Photonics Journal |
131 | Implementation of All-optical 3 dB and 10 dB directional coupler for switching applications | T. LAVANYA | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
132 | Low power and area efficient DCT architecture for low bit rate communication | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | Results in Optics |
133 | Real Time Implementation of Integer DCT based Video Watermarking Architecture . | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | Photonic Network Communications |
134 | An AI enabled framework for detecting low-rate DDoS attacks in cloud computing environments, Measurement | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | Measurement : Sensors |
135 | An Approach for Coordinating Lane Changes between Autonomous Vehicles in Congested Areas | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
136 | A Medical Diagnosis System Based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
137 | Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Improved Communication with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals | K Lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
138 | Enhancing Collaborative Filtering with Multi-Model Deep Learning Approach”, | Dr M Rudra Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
139 | Bus Management System Through MEAN Technologies | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS), |
140 | “A Secure Resale Management System using Cloud Services and ReactJS, | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS), |
141 | A Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Prediction in Urban Areas, | Dr M Rudra Kumar | CSE | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, |
142 | anomaly detection of blackhole, grayhole, and selective forwarding attacks in wireless sensor network-based Internet of Things. | Dr Md Riyaz Belgaum | CSE | PeerJ Computer Science |
143 | Development of improved reinforcement learning smart charging strategy for electric vehicle fleet,Journal of Energy | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | Journal of Energy |
144 | A Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Filtering Similarity Measurements for Recommendation Systems” | Mrs M. Srilakshmi | CSE | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. |
145 | A VOS analysis of LSTM Learners Classification for Recommendation System” | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. |
146 | Solid Waste Supervision System based on Heuristic Algorithmic approach and Internet of Things | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. |
147 | Energy Efficient Received Signal Strength-Based Target Localization and Tracking Using Support Vector Regression | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | International Journal of Energies. |
148 | Minimizing the Localization Error in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques | Mrs M sri lakshmi | CSE | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. |
149 | Bug2 algorithm-based data fusion using mobile element for IoT-enabled wireless sensor networks, Measurement | Dr .M. Jahir Pasha | CSE | Measurement : Sensors |
150 | A systematic review of routing attacks detection in wireless sensor networks. | Dr Md Riyaz Belgaum | CSE | PeerJ Computer Science |
151 | Emotion Recognition Using Bayesian Learning from a Multi-Label Data Corpus, | Dr M Rudra Kumar | CSE | 2022 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA), |
152 | Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnostic Approaches using Efficient Artificial Intelligence methods | Mrs M sri lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
153 | AI Intelligence-based Gender Classification using Biometric- Digital Signature Feature Extraction Methods. | Dr S Prem Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. |
154 | Application Aware Self Adaptive Decentralized Management In Software Defined Networking | Dr k Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of Positive School Psychology |
155 | A Survey of Clustering Methods for Health Care Using Data Mining, South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | R Vara Prasad | CSE | South Asian Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
156 | A Review on New Challenges in AI and Software Engineering, | R Vara Prasad | CSE | Journal of Information Technology |
157 | AI in Transportation: Current and Promising Applications IUP Journal of Information Technology | R Vara Prasad | CSE | Journal of Information Technology |
158 | Applications and techniques of natural language processing: An overview | R Vara Prasad | CSE | The IUP Journal of Computer Science |
159 | Iot Based Remote Monitoring And Controlling Of Industrial Devices, | Dr k Sreenivasulu | CSE | NeuroQuantology |
160 | Knowledge Attitude and practices of dental students and dental practitioners towards artificial intelligence | Dr K. Sreenivasulu | CSE | The IUP Journal of Computer Science |
161 | An analysis of the performance of artificial neural network technique for stock market forecasting | K Lakshmi | CSE | Int.Joournal on Compurter science and Engineering |
162 | Performance Analysis of Canny and Sobel Edge detection algorathims in image mining | K Lakshmi | CSE | Int.Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering |
163 | Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks – A survey | M. Sunitha | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey |
164 | Cloud computing Characteristis and services : A brief review | M.Chandrakala | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
165 | A Review on Data Security in Cloud Computing | B.Deena Divya | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Applications |
166 | Image De-Noising using discrete wavelet transform | B.Deena Divya | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Network security |
167 | Use of Artificial neutral networks in the field of security | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | Internation Journal of Computer Sciences and information technology |
168 | Implementaion of Cloud computing in education- a revolution | C. Roja Ramani | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering |
169 | Applying encruption algorathm for data security and privacy in cloud computing | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer science Issues |
170 | Artificial intelligance in AI in education research in last 10 years:A review and Bibliometric study | K.Vijaya Kumar | CSE | Int.Journals of emerging technologies in Learning |
171 | Artificial intelligance and mechian learning in Finance: A Bibilioetric Review | K.Vijaya Kumar | CSE | Research in international Business and Finance |
172 | Data Mining In Clinical Big Data Management System For Healthcare Applications | Dr K. Sreenivasulu | CSE | NeuroQuantology |
173 | Performane Assessment of SMA Based MPPT Controller for PV System Considering Random | Dr K. Sreenivasulu | CSE | Internation Journal of Computer Sciences and information technology |
174 | Arduino Based Metal Detector for Military Security | K Lakshmi | CSE | Int.Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering |
175 | Performance Analysis for Control of A Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) Using MATLAB Simulink | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | Internation Journal of Computer Sciences and information technology |
176 | Common Phases of Computer Forensics Investigation models | B.Soujanya | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology |
177 | Multimodal Body Sensor for Recognizing the Human Activity Using DMOA Based FS with DL | M. Rudra Kumar | CSE | International Conference,MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway |
178 | Securing the MANET by Detecting the Flooding Attacks Using Hybrid CNN-Bi-LSTM-RF Model | B. Deena Divya Nayomi | CSE | 9th International Conference, MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway |
179 | An Empirical Study of Machine Learning for Business Enterprises Management of Cloud Computing Services | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | International Conference,MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway |
180 | Prediction of Stock Market in Small-Scale Business Using Deep Learning Techniques | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | International Conference,MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway |
181 | Task Scheduling Based Optimized Based Algorithm for Minimization of Energy Consumption in Cloud Computing Environment | M. Sri Raghavendra | CSE | International Conference,MIKE 2023, Kristiansand, Norway |
182 | Enhancing the Efficiency of Diabetes Prediction through Training and Classification using PCA and LR Model | Mohammad Riyaz Belgaum | CSE | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) |
183 | Attack Detection Scheme based on Blackmailing nodes using Adaptive Tunicate Swarm Algorithm | R. Varaprasad | CSE | International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing |
184 | The Future of Cloud Computing: Trends and Predictions for Tomorrow’s Infrastructure | M.Sunitha | CSE | Int.Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering |
185 | Software-Defined WAN: Transforming Enterprise Connectivity | C. Praveen Kumar | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Applications |
186 | “Unveiling the Sky: Exploring the Architecture of Cloud Computing” | K.Vijaya Kumar | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Applications |
187 | Demystifying Software-Defined Networks: An Introduction” | M.Sunitha | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Applications |
188 | Deep Reinforcement Learning: Teaching Computers to Learn from Experience” | C. Praveen Kumar | CSE | Int.Journal of Computer Science and Applications |
189 | Tracking Multiple Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks | P. Suman Prakash | CAI | International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology |
190 | A Data Placing Policy Established on Genetic Algorithm | P. Suman Prakash | CAI | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology |
191 | IoT Based Smart Home Automation System Over The Cloud | M.Janardhan | CAI | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology |
192 | Sensor-Based Datasets for Human Activity Affirmation | M.Janardhan | CAI | International Journal of Research |
193 | Face-To-Face with AI and the Digital Revolution are the Global Financial Exchanges | K.SANDHYARANI | CAI | European Chemical Bulletin |
194 | Structural and electronic factors relating to the stability of imidazolidine nitroxide radicals | Dr.J.Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling |
195 | Analytical and bio-analytical methods of rofecoxib: A comprehensive review | Dr.J.Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Pharmaceutic Chemistry and advanced Analysis |
196 | RECENT ADVANCEMENT OF BIOACTIVE COMPOSITE COATED SILVER FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basari | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Computational Chemistry & Pharmachetical Medicine |
197 | IOT Based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 Node MCU | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basari | Humanities and Sciences | Compliance Engineering Journal |
198 | Perfluorinated pinacol promotes efficient amidination of 2-aminophenylboronic acid | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
199 | Gold-NHC-N-naphthamide complexes | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
200 | A New Synthetic Route for Preparation of Enantiomers of Gossypol and Apogossypol from Racemic Gossypol | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | Asian Journal of Chemistry |
201 | Melaleuca (Myrtaceae): Biogeography of an important genus of trees and shrubs in a changing world | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Botany |
202 | Calcrete Bontveld bushclumps are de novo thicket islands | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Botany |
203 | The Amaryllidaceae, a chemically and biologically privileged plant family | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Botany |
204 | Attitudes to science when doing kitchen chemistry at science clubs | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Chemistry |
205 | Nanotechnology Strategies For Disinfection of Surfaces | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Chemistry |
206 | Hydrogen and ethanol are produced by microorganisms from wastes containing glycerol that are discharged from a biodiesel fuel production plant in a bioelectrochemical. | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | International journal for Multidisciplinary Research |
207 | Dye-Sensitized Hydrobromic Acid Splitting for Hydrogen Solar Fuel Production | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Indian Journal of the Physics |
208 | Luminescence and spectroscopic investigations on Gd3+ doped ZnO 3 nanophosphor | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies |
209 | Experiments examining the conduction mechanism, magnetization, and electrochemical properties of nanocomposites made of polythiophene and cobalt | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Nanoscience |
210 | The conduction mechanism, magnetization, and electrochemical properties of nanocomposites made of polythiophene and cobalt were examined in experiments. | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Nanoscience |
211 | Luminescence investigations on Gd3+ doped ZnO | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Aasian Ceramic Society |
212 | Cloud-Based Solar Panel Cleaning System using Texas Instruments (2022) | Palle Divya | Humanities and Sciences | International Conference on Computer science, Engineering and Applications. |
213 | Crystallographic axis of Induction-welded and Heat Pipeline Steel | Palle Divya | Humanities and Sciences | Current Physical Chemistry |
214 | Interspersed Myths: Indian English Fictions | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
215 | Early Feminist Themes in the works of Bronte Sisters | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
216 | Exploring Identity and Cultural Diversity in Indian Diaspora Literature | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
217 | Exploring Language Through Literature | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
218 | language learning, ESL with Literature is NO more Drudgery | Syeda Ayesha Jahan | Humanities and Sciences | International journal for Multidisciplinary Research |
219 | Symbolism in Anita Desai Novels | Syeda Ayesha Jahan | Humanities and Sciences | International journal for Multidisciplinary Research |
220 | Dylan Thomas Exploration of Mortality in His Poetry | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
221 | Enhancing Language Skills Through Smartphone Integration: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
222 | Examining Mulk Raj Anand’s Novels through a Humanistic Lens: Understanding Social Discord | K.Santhosh Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
223 | Joyce’s Linguistic Experimentation in “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” | K.Santhosh Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | PIMT Journal of Research |
224 | Identity Crisis in Women’s Perspective in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters | C.Manasa | Humanities and Sciences | Language in India |
225 | “Khushwant Singh’s Skill in Depicting both the Bright and Dark Aspects of Sikhism in his Fiction: A Brief Overview”? | C.Manasa | Humanities and Sciences | PIMT Journal of Research |
226 | Utilizing Untranslatable Lexicons as a Literary Device | V.Ruth Carol | Humanities and Sciences | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
227 | Social Commentary in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations | V.Ruth Carol | Humanities and Sciences | PIMT Journal of Research |
228 | Nonlinear Regression Models with Applications in Insurance | A. G. Gopinath | Humanities and Sciences | Mathematical And Computational Applications |
229 | Percentile Double Ranked Set Sampling | A. G. Gopinath | Humanities and Sciences | The Mathematical Educator |
230 | Numerical Solution of n-th Order Fuzzy Linear Differential Equations by Homotopy Perturbation Method | S.N.Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Computer Applications |
231 | Traffic Control Problems using Graph Connectivity | S.N.Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Computer Applications |
232 | Distribution of Records Defined on Ordered Words Representing Lattice Paths | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Linear And Topological Algebra |
233 | Sum of Orthogonal Bimatrices in Rnxn | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Linear And Topological Algebra |
234 | The Shortest Path with Intelligent Algorithm | N. Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | Mathematical And Computational Applications |
235 | Evaluation of Fourier Series for Signal Processing Applcation | N. Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology |
236 | Solving Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations In A New Approach | S. Sai Nivedita | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
237 | Estimation of Size-Biased Generalized Logarithmic Series Distribution | S. Sai Nivedita | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematical Extension |
238 | Mathematical modeling of a circuit-based battery model employed for automotive applications | Y. Aparna | Humanities and Sciences | Journal For Basic Sciences |
239 | Distribution of Records Defined on Ordered Words Representing Shortest Paths | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Acta Universitatis Apulensis |
240 | Numerical Ultimate Ruin Probabilities under Interest Force | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Computational Methods for Differential Equations |
241 | Nanofluid Boundary Layer Analysis in the Presence of Magnetic Lines of Force Being Fixed Relatively to the Plate and the Water-based Nanofluid Containing Copper, Aluminum Trioxide, and Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles | G Rama Krishna | Humanities and Sciences | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry |
242 | A Note on the Symmetric Hit Problem | G Rama Krishna | Humanities and Sciences | JournalofMathematical Extension |
243 | Linear and Directional Domains with Probability Distributions | Dr Kanoth Maithili Kiranmai | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science |
244 | Diameter and Travers ability of PAN Critical Graphs | Dr Kanoth Maithili Kiranmai | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
245 | solving multiplicative discrete and continuous ordinary differential equations | G. Harasha Vardhan Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Computational Methods for Differential Equations |
246 | SOA Based Improved Convolutional Neural Network for Detection of DDoS Attack in Banking Dataset | Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | IEEE XPlore |
247 | Developing a Smart Healthy City using Twitter Big Data by Modified Deep Belief Network | Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | IEEE XPlore |
248 | Women Empowerment Through Entreprenuership | Dr.C Naga Ganesh | MBA | International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) |
249 | Women Empowerment Through Entreprenuership | Dr. H.S. Abzal Baha | MBA | International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) |
250 | Role Of Technology In Modern Teaching And Learning: Effectiveness Of ICT Integration In School Education | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Indian journal of research |
251 | Stock Performance Of Select Ipos In The Indian Stock Market | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | |
252 | Role Of Technology In Modern | N.Rajitha | MBA | Paripex – Indian Journal of Research |
253 | Teaching And Learning: Effectiveness | N.Rajitha | MBA | International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) |
254 | Of Ict Integration In School | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | Paripex – Indian Journal of Research |
255 | Education | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | Indian Management Studies Journal |
256 | Women Empowerment Through Entreprenuership | M.Maddulety | MBA | SCMS Journal of Indian Management |
257 | Role Of Technology In Modern | M.Maddulety | MBA | Journal of Management Research and Analysis |
258 | Teaching And Learning: Effectiveness | L.V.V.Nagaraju | MBA | International Journal of business and management research |
259 | Of Ict Integration In School | L.V.V.Nagaraju | MBA | International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) |
260 | Experimental investigation on nano refrigeration using TiO2 CuO and Al2O3 as refrigerants |
K. Mallikarjuna a , K. HemachnadraReddy , M. NagaRaju |
ME | Materials Today: Proceedings |
261 | Fabrication & performance analysis of dual-side reciprocating pump using scotch yokr mechanism | Dr. K. Mallikarjuna, Paladugu Vijay Kumar, Dasari Naresh, Chinta Sumanth, Shaik Afroz Basha, Banka Vinay | ME | Journal For Basic Sciences |
262 | Cooling the Future: Advancements in Thermal Management for Electronic Devices |
ME | Journal For Basic Sciences |
263 | Numerical simulation on solar drying system using FEA | A. Ramanjaneya Reddy , Adaveni Hemanth Mani , Kallu Niranjan , Shaik Zaheer Basha , Boya Vamshi Krishna , Akkaladevi Naveen Kumar |
ME | Journal For Basic Sciences |
Dr. K. Mallikarjuna, Paladugu Vijay Kumar, Dasari Naresh, Chinta Sumanth, Shaik Afroz Basha, 6anka Vinay | ME | METSZET JOURNAL |
265 | Design and fabrication of a single-shaft shredder machine | Mr. A. Ramanjaneya Reddy, Kummari Gowtham Kumar, Kommaddi Venkata Gangadhar, Indla RaviTeja, Shaik Saleem Basha, Shaik Abdul Khalid | ME | METSZET JOURNAL |
266 | Design and fabrication of ornithopter | Dr. K.Mallikarjuna, Pinjari Subhan Basha, Nayakanti Ramakrishna, Mohammad Arafathulla, 5Gangu Vishnu Vardan, 6Syed Abbas | ME | METSZET JOURNAL |
267 | Sensitive analysis and Design of Step Ladder layout using Metaheuristics with integrated scheduling | K.Mallikarjuna, K.HemachandraReddy |
268 | Fabrication of four-wheel steering | Dr.K.Mallikarjuna, Paladugu Vijay Kumar, Dasari Naresh, Chinta Sumanth, Shaik Afroz Basha | ME | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS |
269 | The motorized screw jack design for vehicles | A. Ramanjaneya Reddy,Mr.K.Chinna Veeresh,Mr.M.Nagaraju,Mr.M.Sekhar |
270 | IOT Based Garbage wet and waste separator-Aptorotype model |
K.Mallikarjuna,M .Harsha vardan,Gotham Kumar,Baba Fakruddin | ME | METSZET JOURNAL |
271 | Design and construction of a machine with numerous functions | A. Ramanjaneya Reddy Shaik Darvesh, B. Prakash Reddy, B. Sharath Babu, Md. Muqeed Khan, K. Vijay Vikas Raju. |
ME | Journal For Basic Sciences |
Sr.No. | Title of Paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal |
1 | Educational Computer Program for design of building components according to IS 456-2000 | A Vinod Kumar,S Akhil Tej,C Bala Hussainy,Syed Afzal Basha | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology (JIT) |
2 | Impact of using SAP and stone powder in high strength concrete | Syed Afzal Basha,Dr S Vinay Babu,K Anand,A Vinod Kumar | CE | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Technology |
3 | Stability of ash dykes using finite element analysis | C Bala Hussainy,S Vamshi Krishna,Sandip Swarnakar | CE | Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
4 | Performance of Compressive strength of fly ash concrete with crimped steel fibre | C Thejaswini Veena | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
5 | Experiments with fractional replacement of cement with egg shell powder in concrete | S Vinay Babu,S Akhil Tej,C Bala Hussainy | CE | Engineering Research Journal |
6 | Assessment of compressive strength of rice husk ash concrete | K Anand | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
7 | Square footing bearing capacity on reinforced sand with cement interface model study | C Bala Hussainy,A Vinod Kumar ,S Akhil Tej | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology (JIT) |
8 | Literature review on water quality index | N G Kalyani,S Afzal Basha | CE | Academic Research reviews |
9 | Seismic analysis of multistorey building with different positions of swaying pillars | A Vinod Kumar ,C G Mohan Babu | CE | i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology (JIT) |
10 | Strength of concrete with fly ash and activated fly ash | K Anand | CE | International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research |
11 | Fibre reinforced polymer concrete: An experimental investigation | S Vinay Babu,A Vinod Kumar ,S Akhil Tej | CE | Global journal of trends in engineering |
12 | Effect of Using Stone Dust and M-Sand on Properties of High Strength Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha,Dr B J Reddy,Dr C Sashidhar | CE | i-mangers journal on civil engineering |
13 | Significance of Utilizing Stone Dust and Kadapa Marble Powder in High Strength Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha,Dr B J Reddy,Dr C Sashidhar,Dr N V Ramana | CE | i-mangers journal on civil engineering |
14 | Strength characteristics of geo-polymer concrete | S Vinay Babu,C G Mohan Babu,S Akhil Tej | CE | Global journal of trends in engineering |
15 | Experimental investigation on the combined effect of flyash and eggshell powder as partial replacement of concrete | P Charan Kumar,T Shantala,K Aparna,S Vinay Babu | CE | Sustainable building materials and construction |
16 | An Investigation into the Effects of Dolomite Powder and Crushed Tiles on the Compressive Strength of Concrete | S Akhil Tej,Syed Afzal Basha,A Vinod Kumar | CE | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology |
17 | An Evaluation of the Split Tensile and Compressive Strengths of Silica Fume Cement Concrete | S Afzal Basha,S Akhil Tej,C Bala Hussainy,A Vinod Kumar | CE | International Journal of Advancements in Technology |
18 | Study on Fly Ash Concrete by adding Admixture Investigating the Effects of GGBS and Recycled Concrete Aggregates on the Properties of Concrete | C G Mohan Babu,C Bala Hussainy | CE | Engineering Research Journal |
19 | An investigation on the effect on concrete’s strength of partially replacing cement with ash derived from agricultural waste | A Vinod Kumar ,Syed Afzal Basha ,S Akhil Tej ,S Vinay babu | CE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
20 | Bamboo leaf ash as a replacement for cement as compressive strength gainer, Int journal of Engineering applications | S Akhil Tej,Syed Afzal Basha,C G Mohan Babu,S Vinay Babu | CE | International Journal on Engineering Applications |
21 | An Investigation into the Effects of Partially Substituting Waste Marble Powder for Cement in Concrete | S Akhil Tej,Syed Afzal Basha,C G Mohan Babu | CE | International Journal of Engineering and Techniques |
22 | Pavement Blocks Experimented with Using Waste Bottle Caps As Fibre In The Lab | S Akhil Tej,Syed Afzal Basha,A Vinod Kumar | CE | International Research Journal of Engineering and technology |
23 | Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy System using Distributed Power Flow Controller |
Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | 2021 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) |
24 | A 2.86-TOPS/W CMCB Based Edge ML and RO-PUF Engine for IoT based nano-electronic material Applications | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Materials Today: Proceedings |
25 | Nero Fuzzy controller for P and O algorithm based MPPT of wind power generation system with PMSG | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems |
26 | Power Factor Correction Converter of a Wide Input and Output Voltage Range Battery Charger Using Buck-Boost Converter with BLDC Motor Drive | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
27 | Energy management system for PV Battery based standalone microgrid | Dr Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems |
28 | Power Quality Improvement in a Distribution System for Non-Linear Loads Using Fuzzy Controlled and D – STATCOM and Reactive Power Compensation in Power Grid. | Dr Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
29 | A Novel Method of Voltage Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Based on Five Level MLI Converter for Power Quality Improvement | Dr Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
30 | High Step-Down Isolated Three-Phase AC–DC Converter fed Induction Motor Drive |
Dr Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
31 | A Novel Fuzzy-Logic Controlled Tri-PortConverter Fed SRM Drive for EV Application Powered by Solar-PV System |
M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
32 | Sliding mode – pando hybrid MPPT controller for PV System | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems |
33 | Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter with PV System for Induction Motor Applications | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
34 | Improvement of Power Quality by Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Industrial Applications |
M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
35 | Control of a Three-Phase Hybrid Converter for a PV Charging Station | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
36 | VEHICLE-TOGRIDANCILLARYSERVICESUSINGSOLARPOWERED ELECTRICVEHICLECHARGINGSTATIONS | M. Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
37 | Power Quality Improvement by using Unified Power Quality Conditioner with Fuzzy Logic controller |
M. Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
38 | A Novel Method of Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level Inverter for Industrial Applications |
M. Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
39 | A FUZZY CONTROLLER BASED MULTI-INPUT HIGH STEP-UP CONVERTER FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY-DRIVE SYSTEMS | M. Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
40 | BLDC Motor-Driven Solar PV Array-Fed Water Pumping System Employing Zeta Converter |
S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
41 | Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter with PV System for Induction Motor Applications | S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
42 | Improvement of Power Quality by Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Industrial Applications |
S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
43 | Closed Loop Control of PV High Voltage Gain DC-DC converter with Two-Input Boost-stages | S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
44 | MULTI LEVEL INVERTER TOPOLOGIES WITH REDUCED DEVICE COUNT FOR INDUCTION MOTOR APLLICATIONS | U Chaithanya | EEE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
45 | Fault Analysis of 3 Level And 5 Level with Induction Motor Drive | U Chaithanya | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
46 | Power Quality Improvement by using Unified Power Quality Conditioner with Fuzzy Logic controller |
U Chaithanya | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
47 | A Novel Method of Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level Inverter for Industrial Applications |
U Chaithanya | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
48 | Improvement of Power Quality forFuzzy Controller Based Unified Power Quality Conditioner | Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
49 | A Novel Method of Predictive Control with Different Controllers for Industrial Applications |
Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
50 | Improvement of Power Quality by Using Facts Controllers |
Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
51 | ANOVEL METHOD OFHIGH-STEP UP CONVERTER WITH SOFT SWITCHING IN PV SYSTEMS | Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
52 | Power Quality Improvement and Reactive Power Compensation in a Grid Connected System for Non-Linear Loads Using DSTATCOM | A Suresh Kumar | EEE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
53 | PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SEPIC CONVERTER | A Suresh Kumar | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
54 | Performance evaluation of PV panel configurations considering psc’s for pv standalone applications | ASADI SURESH KUMAR | EEE | Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés |
55 | Advanced battery technologies related to electric vehicle applications | K Jaya Sree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
56 | Implementation of Fuzzy Controller Based Brushless DC Motor Drives | K Jaya Sree | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
57 | Simulation of Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Applications | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
58 | A 2.86-TOPS/W CMCB Based Edge ML and RO-PUF Engine for IoT based nano-electronic material Applications | K Deepak | EEE | Materials Today : Proceedings |
59 | DTC of PMSM with 3 level inverter | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems |
60 | Simulation of Cascaded Symmetrical Inverter for Grid Connected System | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
61 | Simulation of Speed control of switched reluctance motor using ANFIS | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
62 | LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL IN FOUR AREA POWER SYSTEM USING FUZZY LOGIC PI CONTROLLER | V Sowmya Sree | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
63 | Modeling of GA-ANFIS Controller for DPFC coupled Solar-Wind Microgrid System | V Sowmya Sree | EEE | Informatica Journal |
64 | A Novel Method of Closed loop control of PV fed asymmetrical PWM full bridge converter |
V Sowmya Sree | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
65 | Improvement of Power Quality by Mitigation of Voltage Flicker in Distribution System Using Dstatcom |
V Sowmya Sree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
66 | Power Quality Improvement by using Active Power Filters in EV Charging Stations | D Vannurappa | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
67 | A Novel Method of Predictive Control with Different Controllers for Industrial Applications |
D Vannurappa | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
68 | Improvement of Power Quality by Using Facts Controllers |
D Vannurappa | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
69 | Power Quality Improvement in Power System with PMSM Drive | D Vannurappa | EEE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
70 | Power QualityImprovementby using DSTATCOM in Combination with WIND ENERGY BASED SYSTEM | Y Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
71 | A Novel Method of Closed loop control of PV fed asymmetrical PWM full bridge converter |
Y Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
72 | Improvement of Power Quality by Mitigation of Voltage Flicker in Distribution System Using Dstatcom |
Y Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
73 | Advanced battery technologies related to electric vehicle applications | K. Venkateswaramma | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
74 | Implementation of Fuzzy Controller Based Brushless DC Motor Drives | K. Venkateswaramma | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
75 | A High-Gain DC-DC Converter featuring Progressive Gain for Fuel Cell Vehicles in Automobiles |
E Sivakumar goud | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
76 | Closed control of Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Flyback DC-DC Converter with PI and fuzzy Controller |
E Sivakumar goud | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
77 | A High-Gain DC-DC Converter featuring Progressive Gain for Fuel Cell Vehicles in Automobiles |
D RAZIYA | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
78 | Closed control of Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Flyback DC-DC Converter with PI and fuzzy Controller |
D RAZIYA | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
79 | Thermal management of electric vehicle batteries: a parametric study and optimization of a micro channel heat sink |
J. Praveen Kumar | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
80 | An Improved Perturb and Observe Based MPPT Algorithm for PV System under varying Irradiation. |
J. Praveen Kumar | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
81 | Thermal management of electric vehicle batteries: a parametric study and optimization of a micro channel heat sink |
T Nishanth | EEE | International Journal For Advanced Researchs In Science & Technology |
82 | An Improved Perturb and Observe Based MPPT Algorithm for PV System under varying Irradiation. |
T Nishanth | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
83 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
84 | Smart Blind Stick Using Ultrasonic Sensor | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology |
85 | Miniaturized and Gain Enhancement of Tapered Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure and Metamaterial Superstrate for GPS Applications | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | Progress In Electromagnetics Research C |
86 | Miniaturized and Gain Enhancement of Tapered Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure and Metamaterial Superstrate for GPS Applications | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | Journal of Data Engineering and Communication Technology |
87 | Balloon Satellite for Monitoring of Temperature, Humidity, and Air Pressure |
DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | International journal of Satellite Communication and Networking |
88 | Measurement of NavIC carrier Phase Residual for Baselines of Different lengths | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | International Journal for Advanced Research in Science and Technology |
89 | Face Mask Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network | DR. D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems |
90 | GUI Based Optical Character Recognition using Neural Networks | DR. D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Devices |
91 | A Critical Review of Image Fusion Methods | G RAMARAO | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis (TIJAEMA) |
92 | Power and Area Constrained Crosstalk Elimination Circuit for High-Speed VLSI Interconnects |
G RAMARAO | ECE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
93 | SMART CAR PARKING SYSTEM USING ARDUINOUNO | B OBULESU | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
94 | Retina Blood Vessels Extraction Using Kirsch’s Template Method |
B OBULESU | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
95 | GUI Based Optical Character Recognition using Neural Networks | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (sPRINGER) |
96 | Microcontroller based Automatic Sun Tracking Solar Panel | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Internation Journal of Speech Technology (SPRINGER) |
K. VANITHA | ECE | Journal of Computational Electronics |
98 | Electronic Device Control Using Hand Gesture Recognition for Differently Abled |
K. VANITHA | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
99 | Automatic Seed Cum Fertilizer Sowing Machine with Water Dripping on Seeds | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
100 | The Influence of Ultrasound for the Protection of Animals on Highways Through Electronic Circuits | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
101 | A Smart Irrigation System using NodeMCU | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
102 | Vehicle Accident Detection System Using GPS, GSM, and Accelerometer with Arduino Uno | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | MAT Journals |
103 | Smart Wi-Fi based country egg hatching incubator using Arduino | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
104 | Comparative Study of Analog Parameters for Various Silicon-Based Tunnel Field-Efect Transistors |
MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
105 | Comparative Study of Analog Parameters for Various Silicon-Based Tunnel Field-Efect Transistors | A PARVATHI | ECE | Applied Optics |
106 | Design and characteristic analysis of an all-optical AND, XOR, and XNOR Y-shaped MIM waveguide for high-speed information processing | A PARVATHI | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
107 | IoT Based Smart Home Automation and Security Using Labview and NodeMCU | T SWETHA | ECE | Applied Optics |
108 | IoT Based Smart Parking Monitoring Using Labview and Node MCU | T SWETHA | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
109 | Design and analysis of a photonic crystal‑based all‑optical 3‑input OR gate for high‑speed optical processing | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology |
110 | Design and analysis of a photonic crystal‑based all‑optical 3‑input OR gate for high‑speed optical processing |
K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
112 | Denoising and dereverberation of speech using kalman filter | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
113 | Categarization of Leaf Ailments using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | MAT JOURNALS |
115 | Design and analysis of optical three-input AND gate using photonic crystal fiber | B PRAVEENA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysi |
116 | High-speed optimisation of an all-optical half adder using a T-shaped photonic crystal waveguide with an improved contrast ratio | B PRAVEENA | ECE | IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
117 | Enhanced all‑optical Y‑shaped plasmonic OR, NOR and NAND gate models, analyses, and simulation for high speed computations | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
118 | Enhanced all‑optical Y‑shaped plasmonic OR, NOR and NAND gate models, analyses, and simulation for high speed computations |
P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
119 | Stability of ash dykes using finite element analysis | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
120 | The design, analysis, and simulation of an optimized all‑optical AND gate using a Y‑shaped plasmonic waveguide for high‑speed computing devices | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
121 | Design and modelling of all‑optical NAND gate using metal–insulator–metal (MIM) waveguides‑based Mach–Zehnder interferometers for high‑speed information processing | D. IMRAN | ECE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
122 | Design and analysis of miniaturized all‑optical binary to gray code converter using Y‑shaped plasmonic waveguide for optical processors | D. IMRAN | ECE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
123 | Recent advances in photonic crystal fiber-based sensors for biomedical applications | SOFIA SABA | ECE | interrnational journal for advanced research in science & technology |
124 | Performance analysis of an SMF-/MMF-based single/double/quadruple tapered optical fiber structure | SOFIA SABA | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology |
125 | Active Noise Control for PVC Duct Using Robust Feedback Neutralization F×LMS Approach (July 2021) | T SUMAN | ECE | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (sPRINGER) |
126 | Implementation of robust virtual sensing algorithm in active noise control to improve silence zone | T SUMAN | ECE | Internation Journal of Speech Technology (SPRINGER) |
B ERAMMA | ECE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
B ERAMMA | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology |
129 | Advanced image processing algorithms for categorizing and evaluating plant diseases : A study | SYED SHANWAZ | ECE | IUP JOURNAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS |
130 | High-speed optimisation of an all-optical half adder using a T-shaped photonic crystal waveguide with an improved contrast ratio | SYED SHANWAZ | ECE | Pramana Journal |
131 | Enhanced all-optical Y-shaped plasmonic OR,NOR and NAND gate model, analysis, and simulation for high-speed computations | G RAJASEKHAR | ECE | OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS |
132 | Comparative study of analog parameters for various silicon-based Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors | G RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Silicon |
133 | Liver Cancer Detection Using Various Image Segmentation Approaches: A Review | G MAHALAKSHMI | ECE | International journal of mechanical engineering |
134 | Advanced image processing algorithms for categorizing and evaluating plant diseases : A study | G MAHALAKSHMI | ECE | Current signal transduction therapy |
135 | All-optical AND, EX-OR and EX-NOR logic gate structures based on y-shape MIM waveguide: Design and characteristic analysis for high-speed computing | S RUKSANA BEGUM | ECE | Applied Optics |
136 | Enhanced all-optical Y-shaped plasmonic OR,NOR and NAND gate model, analysis, and simulation for high-speed computations | S RUKSANA BEGUM | ECE | OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS |
137 | BRAIN TUMOUR EXTRACTION FROM MRI IMAGES USING MEYER’S FLOODING WATERSHED ALGORITHM | S. HARIKA | ECE | International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
138 | A novel structure of all-optical optimised NAND, NOR and XNOR logic gates employing a Y-shaped plasmonic waveguide for better performance and high-speed computations | S. HARIKA | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
139 | Radar Based Object Detection using Ultrasonic Sensor | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | mat journal |
140 | Smart Life Saver System for Scuba Divers using GSM Module | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | mat journal |
141 | IOT BASED FISHERMAN BORDER ALERT AND ENGINE CONTROL SECURITY SYSTEM | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | interrnational journal for advanced research in science & technology |
142 | Quality analysis of GNSS-TEC measurements based on Smartphone and Septentrio receiver | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | International journal for Recent developments in science and technology |
143 | BER ANALYSIS IN MIMO-OFDM SYSTEM | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
144 | Smart Wi-Fi based country egg hatching incubator using Arduino | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology |
146 | Electronic Device Control Using Hand Gesture Recognition for Differently Abled | T LAVANYA | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology |
147 | Development of Decentralized application for E-voting using Blockchain | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR ADVANCED RESEARCHS IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
149 | Social Distance Monitoring System | R Varaprasad | CSE | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
150 | Graduate Admission Forecast based on Machine Learning | R Varaprasad | CSE | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
151 | Secure and efficient transmission of data based on Caesar cipher algorithm for Sybil attack in IoT | Aditya Sai Srinivas Thuluva | CSE | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing |
152 | Data Mining and deep learning-based hybrid health care application | M. Rudra Kumar | CSE | Applied Nan science |
153 | SOA-EACR seagull optimization algorithm based energy aware cluster routing protocol for wireless sensor networks in the livestock industry | T Aditya Sai Srinivas | CSE | Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems |
154 | Normalization of Carbon imitation procedures beginning manifold source | Dr K.Sreenivasulu | CSE | A Journal of Composition Theory |
155 | Loan Default Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques | T.Aditya Sai Srinivas | CSE | Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering |
156 | Pattern Prediction using Binary Trees | T.Aditya Sai Srinivas | CSE | Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering |
157 | Ensemble learning by high-dimensional acoustic Features for emotion recognition from speech audio signal | M.Rudra Kumar | CSE | Security and Communication Networks |
158 | Crop yield prediction using machine learning | N.Parashuram | CSE | Journal of Applied Sciences and Computations |
159 | Stress Detection in IT professionals by Image Processing and Machine learning | R VaraPrasad | CSE | International Journal of Research |
160 | An Efficient spam detection technique for IoT devices using machine learning | R VaraPrasad | CSE | International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
161 | Placement prediction based on ML accuracy metrics | R VaraPrasad | CSE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
162 | Application aware self adaptive decentralized management in software defined networking | Boggula Roja Ramani | CSE | Journal of Positive School Psychology |
163 | Application aware self adaptive network protocols for high band width | Bathula Sowjanya | CSE | Journal of Positive School Psychology |
164 | Application aware self adaptive decentralized management in software defined networking | Sirisha Kamsali | CSE | Journal of Positive School Psychology |
165 | self adaptive decentralized management network protocols in networking | Dr K Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of Positive School Psychology |
166 | A hybrid scheme on social networks for identification of fake user & spam detection | Bathula Sowjanya | CSE | Journal of Information and computational science |
167 | Different strategies on social networks for identification spam detection | Dr K Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of Information and computational science |
168 | A comprehensive survey of techniques, applications : A revolution in Machine learning | T Aditya Sai Srinivas | CSE | International journal of Mechanical Engineering |
169 | A comprehensive survey of techniques, applications and challenges in deep learning: A revolution in Machine learning | R Varaprasad | CSE | International journal of Mechanical Engineering |
170 | Medical image and classification based on machine learning – A review | T Aditya Sai Srinivas | CSE | The Electromechanically Society (Advancing solid state & electromechanical sciences & technology) |
171 | Blue Brain: The Name Of World’s First Virtual Brain | N.Parashuram | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
172 | A Survey On Search Engine Optimization Techniques | R.Anil Kumar | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
173 | A Survey On Machine Learning | R.Anil Kumar | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
174 | A Comparative Performance Analysis On Various Cryptographic Techniques Based On Multiple Parameters | Dr.K.Sreenivasulu | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
175 | A Comprehensive Study On Query Optimization In Cloud Computing | M.Srilakshmi | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
176 | Image Processing In Brain Tumor MRI | Dr.K.Seshadri Ramana | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
177 | Plant Leaf Disease Classification Using Image Processing Techniques | Dr.K.Seshadri Ramana | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
178 | Dynamic Clustering Approaches In Heterogeneous Sensor Nodes WSN Survey | R.Varaprasad | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
179 | Attribute Based Encryption Access Control For Cloud Computing | R.Varaprasad | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
180 | Secure Computing Arthimetic Operations Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
181 | Netspam Classification Using Naive Bayes | N.Parashuram | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
182 | An Overview of Quality of service for Networking | R.Varaprasad | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
183 | Rescue Robot In Coal Mine Using IOT | Dr.K.Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
184 | Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocols In Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks | P.Suman Prakash | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
185 | An Efficient Multi Keyword Search In Cloud Computing | P.Rama Rao | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
186 | Travel Tour Recommender System | C.Ayesha shariff | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
187 | Zero Injection: A Collaborative Filtering Recommender System For Exploiting Uninterested Items | C.Ayesha shariff | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
188 | A Scalable Distributed Architecture For IOT | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | Journal of computers and communication systems |
189 | Machine Learning Applications For Research To IOT | Dr.K.Seshadri Ramana | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
190 | Movie Recommendation System | C.Ayesha shariff | CSE | Brazilian archives of Biology and Technology |
191 | Industrial IOT In Education | D.jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
192 | Network Security In Digitalization | D.jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
193 | Machine Learning For IOT:Smart City | U Supriya | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
194 | IOT Based weather monitoring | D.Jayanarayana Reddy | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
195 | Smart alert system for garbage clearance using IOT | Dr.K.Seshadri Ramana | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
196 | crop yield prediction using machine learning | Dr.K.Seshadri Ramana | CSE | Journal of Remote sensing and Technology |
197 | Load balancing in a Networking | M.Janardhan | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
198 | An efficient multikeyword search in cloud computing | M.Srilakshmi | CSE | Journal of Analog and digital communications |
199 | Fine grained data access control in cloud computing | K.Lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
200 | Secure in cloud computing | M.Srilakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
201 | Applications of Internet of Things in Manufacturing | P. Suman Prakash | CAI | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research |
202 | Confident Multi-Factor Authentication on web application | P. Suman Prakash | CAI | International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends |
203 | Sentiment Analysis and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network Architecture | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | 2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS) |
204 | Weight pruning-UNet: Weight pruning UNet with depth-wise separable convolutions for semantic segmentation of kidney tumors | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | Journal of Medical Signals and sensors |
205 | Multilevel Ensemble Method to Identify Risks in Chronic Kidney Disease Using Hybrid Synthetic Data | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) |
206 | TabNet to Identify Risks in Chronic Kidney Disease Using GAN’s Synthetic Data | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | 2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS) |
207 | Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network | M.Janardhan | CAI | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
208 | Machine Learning based novel Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening | M.Janardhan | CAI | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education |
209 | Recommender System based on Deep Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | 2021 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA) |
210 | A Comparative Review on Object Detection System for Visually Impaired | P.Kiran Rao | CAI | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) |
211 | An Introduction to Data Visualization Tools and Techniques in Various Domains | T.N. Bala Krishna | CAI | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
212 | A review of uncertainty in data visualizatio | T.N. Bala Krishna | CAI | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
213 | A STUDY OF HETEROGENEITY CHARACTERISTICS OVER SENSOR NETWORKS | K.Sandhya Rani | CAI | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
214 | AI and the Digital Revolution | K.Sandhya Rani | CAI | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
215 | ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DRUG RESISTANT BACTERIA FROM DIVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL NICHES | Dr.J.Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Applied Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
216 | Characterization, Molecular Modeling And Antibacterial Activity Study Metal complexes Of Schiff base derived from 3-Bromo, 5-Chloro Salicyldehyde With Alanine | Dr.J.Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY |
217 | ELIUM COMPOSITE RESIN EXUBERANT – INNOVATION WHICH EASILY PROCESSED IS BY RTM, INFUSION PULTRUSION | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology |
218 | IOT ENABLED PORTABLE INDOOR AIR QUALITY METER AND POLLUTION DETECTOR SYSTEM | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology |
219 | Ethylene Trimerization over Supported SNS and PNP Chromium Catalysts | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
220 | A non-dispersive infrared sensor for real-time detection of cyanogen chloride | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
221 | Evaluation of Ethyl Acetate, Chloroform and Toluene Fractions of Thevetia peruviana K. Schum Methanolic Leaf Extract | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
222 | First synthesis of 6,7-diaminoindole and 1,2,5-selenadiazolo[3,4-g]indole | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | ARKIVOC 2021 (i) 1-5 |
223 | Imbuing an Old Heterocycle with the Power of Modern Catalysis: An Isoxazolidin-5-one Story | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin |
224 | Synthesis and Evaluation of Quinone Derivatives for Activity against Trypanosome cruzi | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin |
225 | Natural product remedies for COVID-19: A focus on safety | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Botany |
226 | Survival strategy of Watsonia fourcadei (Iridaceae); allocation of resources to sexual reproduction and vegetative survival of the parent plant | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of Botany |
227 | Analyzing the physical characteristics of lithium boreate glass with silver doping | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Sambodhi (UGC Care Journal) |
228 | Effect of Te doping and electron irradiation on thermal diffusivity of Bi2Se3 thin films by photo-thermal technique | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
229 | The effects of fracture and fatigue on Graphene Nanocomposites | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | |
230 | The synthesis of graphene nanocomposites can be highly efficient | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | ACS Publication of Journals |
231 | Research into grip clamps for expanded diameter half-hard aluminum conductors with a c involves experiments and finite element simulations | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, |
232 | Assessing the Mechanical and Physical Characteristics of Natural Hybrid Composites | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, |
233 | REAL -TIME OBSERVATIONS OF ENVIRONMENT USING TEXAS INSTRUMENT SENSOR TAG CC2650 | Palle Divya | Humanities and Sciences | Design Engineering |
234 | Volume Surface of Tool Made of 12 Ni Maraging Steel by Laser Coated of NiCoMo Powder | Palle Divya | Humanities and Sciences | journal of Applied physics |
235 | TRACING THE INTRICACIES OF DISPLACEMENT IN ABDULRAZAK GURNAH’S NOVEL BY THE SEA | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language & Literature |
236 | Colonialism and its Impact on Indian Novels | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language & Literature |
237 | Empowerment of Women in Shani Mootoo’s Valmiki’s Daughter | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
239 | A Feminist Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own | Syeda Ayesha Jahan | Humanities and Sciences | Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
241 | Guilt along with Transgression-Inner Suffering of Transgenders in Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION STUDIES (IJELR) |
247 | A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron | N. Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | Computational Methods for Differential Equations |
248 | Testing systems of real quadratic equations for approximate solutions | N. Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | The Mathematical Educator |
249 | Bimagic Labeling for Disconnected Graphs | S. N. Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Optimization |
250 | Generation for Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem | S. N. Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
251 | The processing of data for statistical tests of their basic parameters | G. Harasha Vardhan Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Creative Mathematics Information |
252 | Design And Development Of 3-Phase Variable | G. Harasha Vardhan Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Technologies and Innovative Research |
253 | On Some Stability Results for Fixed Point Iteration Method | G. Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Algebra and Related Topics d Statistics |
254 | Nonlinear Growth Models for Modeling Oil Palm Yield Growth | G. Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
255 | The Forcing Monophonic Hull Number of a Graph | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
256 | Discrete Optimization Description for the Solutions in the Matching Problem | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Science and Sustainable Development |
257 | Increasing the motivation of the students to learn mathematics | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technolog |
258 | Vertex-Transitive bi-Cayley Graphs over a Nonabelian Set | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Acharya Narendra Dev Research |
259 | Stability of Stratified Compressible Shear Flow | A. G. Gopinath | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
260 | Mathematical Analysis of Hymns for Meditation | A. G. Gopinath | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Science and Sustainable Development |
261 | Optimal Solution of a Degenerate Transportation Problem | G. Ramakrishna | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
262 | The Application of Minimum Polynomia | G. Ramakrishna | Humanities and Sciences | PIMJ Journal of Research |
263 | Bring a Nonempty Set, Get a Ring | S Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
264 | Analysis of Sugarcane Production in India using Mathematical Model | S Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | PIMJ Journal of Research |
265 | A Conceptual Study on the Role of Social Media Networks in India | Dr. H.S.Abzal Basha | MBA | The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies |
266 | A study on impact of reward systems on job satisfaction of employees in select retail outlets, kurnool, andhra pradesh | Dr. H.S.Abzal Basha | MBA | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal |
267 | A Study on 360 Degree Performance Appraisal With Reference To Heritage Foods (India) Limited, Hyderabad | N.Rajitha | MBA | Vision – The Journal Of Business Perspective |
268 | The Effect Of Training And Development on Employee Performance With Mediation of Employee Satisfaction | N.Rajitha | MBA | International Journal of Management and Social Sciences |
269 | A study on impact of reward systems on job satisfaction of employees in select retail outlets, kurnool, andhra pradesh | L.V.V.Nagaraju | MBA | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal |
270 | A Comparative Study on Growth and Performance of Public and Private Insurance in Indian Insurance Sector | L.V.V.Nagaraju | MBA | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH |
271 | A study on the impact of Emotional Intelligence in work life Balance to reduce Family-Work Conflict | M.Maddulety | MBA | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews |
272 | Imperative role of employee engagement in the 21st century | M.Maddulety | MBA | BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research |
273 | Training Need Assessment – Key Driver for Organizational Success | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | The Journal of Resource Management and Technology |
274 | Comparative Analysis of Economic Value Addition of Selected Automobile Companies | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | A JOURNAL OF COMPOSITION THEORY(JCT) |
275 | Training Need Assessment – Key Driver for Organizational Success | Dr.C.Naga Ganesh | MBA | The Journal of Resource Management and Technology |
276 | Servicescapes infuence on brand loyalty | Dr.C.Naga Ganesh | MBA | ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail Management |
277 | Analysis of Influencing Factors of Investor’s Perceptions on Indian Stock Markets | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Revista geintec-gestao inovacao e tecnologias |
278 | Study on impact of macro economics factors on select Sectoral indices of Indian stock market | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Kala Sarovar |
279 | Study on impact of macro and micro economic factors on BSE auto sectoral indices | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
280 | Entrepreneurship development of Small l and Medium scale enterprises in back-ward districts of Andhra Pradesh | Dr. M Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Paripex – Indian Journal of Research |
281 | Entrepreneurs motivational Factors ;An empirical study | Dr. M Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Paripex – Indian Journal of Research |
282 | Performance of hybrid composites laminates under various loads |
A.V. Krishna Chaitanya1 M.NagaRaju2 |
ME | International journal of Contemporary in production Engineering, |
283 | Optimization and Analysis of Solar Light Trap for Supervising The Pest Population |
1 A.Srinivas S, 2 S.Javeed |
ME | International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences |
284 | A Critical Review on Composites with Nano Technology |
Ammika. Srinivas1 , G.Siva Prasad2 |
ME | International Journal of technical ideas in Science, Technology, |
285 | Performance of radial drilling machine parameters in processing of glass fiber epoxy composite |
Performance of radial drilling machine parameters in processing of glass fiber epoxy composite |
ME | International journal of material and morphology enginnering and technology |
286 | Mechanical property performance of Marble (Caco3) 21x Filled C25600 Alloy For Boiler Application |
Mechanical property performance of Marble (Caco3) 21x Filled C25600 Alloy For Boiler Application |
ME | International Journal of advanced Production and Science |
287 | Estimating the effect of 5S Implementation in Industrial Department: An Approach of Case Study |
A.Srikanth1 , Shaik Javeed2 G.Siva Prasad3, , |
ME | International Journal of Industrial science and Engineering |
Dr.S. Venkateswarlu a , M. Nagaraju |
ME | International Journal of scientific Engineering and management |
289 | Metadata of the chapter that will be visualized in SpringerLink |
Mallikarjuna K. | ME | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE) |
290 | Optimization of Process Parameters for EN31 Steel in CNC Milling” |
G.Siva Prasad1, Ammika . Srinivas2, |
ME | International Journal of innovative trending concepts in Research and Development |
291 | Analysis of Piston of Internal Combustion Engine on Engineering Materials by Using ANSYS |
ngine on Engineering Materials by Using ANSYS G.Siva Prasad1, A.Srikanth2, |
ME | International Journal of Innovative technoconcepts in Science |
292 | investigation on performance of Refrigeration System Designed for Low Temperature |
Shaik Javeed1 G.Siva Prasad2, A.Srikanth3, |
ME | International Journal of science concepts in innovations |
293 | Performance of the Portable Robotic Vaccum Cleaner with Remote Control |
Dr. K. Mallikarjuna, Noone Koteswaraiah, Darivemula Nishikanth, 4Kummari Murali, 5Kasapogu Sandeep Kumar, 6Anantha Abhilash |
ME | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -2022 |
294 | Fabrication of Granules Making Machine for Agriculture Purpose |
Dr.k. Mallikarjuna, 2Pamisetty Nithish Kumar, and 3S.Md. Mhosin, 4Pelluri Venkata Nagaraju, 5B.Akhil Kumar, 6 Nallupu Raju Kumar6 |
ME | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -2022 |
295 | Automatic Braking System |
ME | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -2022 |
296 | Ananofluids and nanocoatings used for solar energy harvesting and heat transfer applications: A retrospective review analysis |
K. Mallikarjunaa, Y. Santhoshkumar Reddyb, K. Hemachandra Reddyc, P.V. Sanjeeva Kumar |
ME | Materials Today: Proceedings |
297 | An Overview of the Impact of 5S Implementation in automobile industry using optimization methods |
M Sekar1 M.NagaRaju2 |
ME | International Journal of Industrial science and Engineering. |
298 | Comparative Analysis Of Engine Cylinder Through Design Modification Using Catia V5 &Ansys |
M.Sekhar1 ,K.Chinna veeresh2 |
ME | International Journal of technology Research & Engineering |
299 | Investigation of Jatropha Oil-Based Biodiesel In A CI Engine |
M.Sekhar a , M.Nagarajb |
ME | international journal of automotive spark ignition technology |
300 | Investigation of Jatropha Oil-Based Biodiesel In A CI Engine |
M.Sekhar a , M.Nagarajb |
ME | international journal of automotive spark ignition technology |
N.Govinda Rao1 & A.Srikanth2 |
ME | International journal of Engineering composites systems |
302 | Analyzing the Impact of scheduling using metaheuristics on industries |
N.Govind rao a ,S.Javeed b |
ME | International Journal of Industrial science and Engineering |
303 | Analysis of pivot bearing using metaheuristics |
M.NagaRaju1A.V. Krishna Chaitanya |
ME | International journal of recent concepts in engineering research |
304 | Single stage robust design and Reliability optimization using branch and Bound Method |
M.NagaRaju M Sekar |
ME | International Journal of Industrial science and Engineering |
305 | Study the impact of solid state of electric charge swap current density on the voltage hysteresis of silicon based lithium cells |
Dr.K. Satish Babu Dr S.Venkateswarlu |
ME | International Journal of Production Science And Innovation |
306 | Effect of laminar phenomena in a Casson rheological fluid from a circular cylinder with slip |
Dr.K. Satish Babu1 Dr S.Venkateswarlu2 |
ME | International Journal of Metal Trends In Science And Technology |
Dr. S. Venkateswarlu , Dastagiri Mohammed Ameen,Beecharla Yatheendranatha Reddy, Kadapa Yugandhar, Shaik Mohammed Ghouse |
ME | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -2022 |
308 | The Fuel Theft detection and Mileage Monitoring System |
Dr. S. Venkateswarlu, Yarava Sai Ashish Reddy , 3Tirupati Sunil, 4 Paladugu Gopi Chand 5VarakaviYogeswar |
ME | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology -2022 |
Sr.No. | Title of Paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal |
1 | Generalized shear force and bending diagrams via singularity functions by using MATLAB and GNU Octave | A Vinod Kumar Y Sivananda Reddy |
CE | i-managers journal of Computer science |
2 | Mapping And Predicting Urban Sprawl and Imperviousness Using Remote Sensing Data | NG. Kalyani | CE | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
3 | Seismic Evaluation o RCC Buildings by using tuned mass damper system with graphical user interface in MATLAB | A Vinod Kumar Syed Afzal Basha C G Mohan Babu |
CE | Journal of Research in Civil and Architectural Engineering |
4 | Decrease of Seismic Response in RCC Building by Using Non-Linear Viscous Dampers in Open Sees Tool, | A Vinod Kumar Syed Afzal Basha S Akhil Tej |
CE | journal of Building & Construction Engineering |
5 | Study of Utilization of zeolite and Sone Dust in Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha | CE | International Journal of Engineering Technology & Management Science |
6 | Effects of using Stone Dust and GGBS in Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha | CE | International Journal of Engineering Technology & Management Science |
7 | Impact of Using Stone Powder and Mineral Admixtures in High Strength Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha | CE | International Journal of Engineering Technology & Management Science |
8 | Reprocessing of Glass Material in Enhancing Cement Mortar with Coarse Aggregates | Konduru Anand,Syed Afzal Basha,S Vinay Babu,Sivananda Reddy Y | CE | i-managers journal of civil Engineering |
9 | Influence of Metakaolin on Stone Waste Aggregate Concrete, journal of Building & Construction Engineering | Sakevala Vinay Babu,P Pavithra | CE | journal of Building & Construction Engineering |
10 | Effect of Pond Ash on Black Stone Waste Aggregate Concrete | Sakevala Vinay Babu,P Pavithra | CE | Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering |
11 | Admixtures Influence on Concrete | Sakevala Vinay Babu S Akhil Tej |
CE | Advanced Journals of Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science |
12 | Study on Morphologies of Cement Hydration | Sakevala Vinay Babu A Vinod Kumar S Akhil Tej |
CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
13 | Performance Of Compressive Strength of Limestone Aggregate Concrete with Plastic Fibre, | Sakevala Vinay Babu C G Mohan Babu |
CE | Journal of Technological Advances and Scientific Research |
14 | Assessment of Compressive and Split Tensile Strength of Silica Fume Cement Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha P Pavithra J Ushasree |
CE | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
15 | Performance Of Cement Concrete Under Sulphate Curing | J Ushasree Syed Afzal Basha | CE | International Journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology |
16 | Assessment Of Cement Plant Variability | S Akhil Tej A Vinod Kumar Konduru Anand |
CE | Materials in Civil Engineering Journal |
17 | Influence of Quartzite Waste on Mechanical Properties of Concrete | C G Mohan Babu S Akhil Tej |
CE | Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering |
18 | Concretes’ Reaction to Controlled Permeable Formwork | Konduru Anand K Mallikarjuna Reddy C G Mohan Babu |
CE | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
19 | Micro-biologically induced calcium carbonate precipitation improves concrete | Syed Afzal Basha J Ushasree A Vinod Kumar |
CE | Global Journal of Teacher Education |
20 | A Novel Method for Dynamic Stability Enhancement of SMIB System | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | In: Hitendra Sarma T., Sankar V., Shaik R. (eds) Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 569. Springer, Singapore. |
21 | Dynamic Stability Enhancement Of SmibSystem With Gapod Controller Based Upfc | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | Solid State Technology |
22 | Reduction of Steady State Ripple of Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives by Combining the Techniques of FOC and DTC | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2021, Pages. 5910 – 5920, |
23 | Simulation of Solar cell Based Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Applications | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2021, Pages. 5905 – 5909, |
24 | Simulation Of Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Power Quality Improvement With Hysteresis Voltage Controller | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
25 | A Novel Method of three phase seven level CHB inverter for Industrial Applications | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
26 | Recent trends in Smart Meter technology | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
27 | Performance Evaluation Of Solar And Wind Co- Generation Based Multi-Purpose Statcom for Power- Quality Enhancement Using Fuzzy-Logic Controller | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
28 | IOT based Underground Cable Fault Detection and protection using ESP 8266 NodeMCU | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
29 | Optimal Placement and Sizing of IPFC hybrid Technique | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
30 | Intelligent Smart Energy Saving System For Domestic And Commercial Areas | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
31 | Embedded Battery Management System | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
32 | Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
33 | H-bridge Inverter based power line conditioner of voltage balance method | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
34 | Mitigation of Certain Power Quality Issues in Wind Energy Conversion System Using UPQC and IUPQC Devices | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | European Journal of Electrical Engineering |
35 | Traffic Control System By Using Programmable Logic Controller | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
36 | Automatic Water Level Controller Using Programmable Logic Controller Software (PLC) | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
37 | Wind Farm to Weak-Grid Connection using UPQC as a Custom Power Device | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
38 | A New Modular single phase Multilevel Inverter Topology for PV System Applications | M Venkateswarlu | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
39 | Voltage Balance of Power Line Conditioner in H-bridge Inverter | M Venkateswarlu | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
40 | Performance of Five Level Inverter with Induction Motor Fed by PV Generator | M Venkateswarlu | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
41 | A New Advanced Multilevel Inverter with Minimum Number of Switches for Induction Motor Drive | M Venkateswarlu | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
42 | IOT Based Home Automation System Using NODEMCU and BLYNK | M Venkateswarlu | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, |
43 | Voltage Balance of Power Line Conditioner in H-bridge Inverter | S Sankara Prasad | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
44 | A New Modular single phase Multilevel Inverter Topology for PV System Applications | S Sankara Prasad | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
45 | H-bridge Inverter based power line conditioner of voltage balance method | S Sankara Prasad | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
46 | Wireless Auto Power Trip system for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Leakage To Improve Safety in Domestic usage | S Sankara Prasad | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
48 | Power Quality by using DVR Based Super capacitor | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-2 |
49 | Power Quality improvement of Self-excited induction generator based STATCOM | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
50 | Power Quality improvement of Self-excited induction generator based STATCOM | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
51 | Simulation Of Solar Based Five Level Inverter Fed With Industrail Applications | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 |
52 | Design and Implementation of Reactive Power Management for Solar Photovoltaic Inverter in Low Voltage Distribution System | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
53 | IoT Based Industrial Scada System | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
54 | A Novel Method of Fuzzy Controller based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement | Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
55 | Power-Quality Improvement of a Novel Multilevel Based DSTATCOM | Y Hazarathaiah | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
56 | Simulation of three phase seven level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter for Induction Motor drives | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
57 | IoT based Substation Monitoring and Control Using Arduino | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
58 | Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Grid System | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
59 | Advanced single phase three level multilevel inverter for Renewable energy systems | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-3 |
60 | Harmonic Reduction of Grid Integrated Solar PV System by Using VSC | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-4 |
61 | Design and Implementation of Real-Time Transformer Health Monitoring System | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
62 | Arduino Controller Based Fault Detection and Protection of AC Motor against Abnormal Conditions | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
63 | Simulation of Fuzzy controller Based Dual UPQC | U CHAITHANYA | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
64 | Simulation of Fuzzy controller Based Dual UPQC | U CHAITHANYA | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
65 | Improvement of Power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Performance for Induction Motor Drives | U CHAITHANYA | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 |
66 | Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Four Phase Switched Reluctance Motor | U CHAITHANYA | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 |
67 | Harmonic Elimination with Nine Level Inverter for Single Phase Grid Connected System | U CHAITHANYA | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
68 | Power-Quality Improvement of a Novel Multilevel Based DSTATCOM | K Jayasree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
69 | A Novel Method of Fuzzy Controller based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement | K Jayasree | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
70 | Improvement of Power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Performance for Induction Motor Drives | K Jayasree | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
71 | Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Four Phase Switched Reluctance Motor | K Jayasree | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-2 |
72 | IOT Industry Protection System Arduino | K Jayasree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
73 | A smart digital home with security, safety and power monitoring | K Jayasree | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
74 | HybridElectric Vehicle System with DC/DC Converter Energy Storage | E Jyothirmai | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-3 |
75 | Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System By Using Dual Voltage Source Inverter | E Jyothirmai | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-4 |
76 | Reduction of Steady State Ripple of Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives by Combining the Techniques of FOC and DTC | Karanam Deepak | EEE | Annals of R.S.C.B., (Scopus Indexed) |
77 | Simulation of Solar cell Based Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Applications | Karanam Deepak | EEE | Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN: 1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2021, Pages. 5905 – 5909, (Scopus Indexed) |
78 | Post COVID-19 Potentials and Innovation: The Future Supply Chain | Karanam Deepak | EEE | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(SPL1), 1054-1057 (Scopus Indexed) |
79 | Analysis and Recognition of Animals in Zoo Using Transform based techniques | Karanam Deepak | EEE | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education DOI: (Scopus Indexed) |
80 | Analysis and Identification of Aeroplane Images Using Transform Based Methods | Karanam Deepak | EEE | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education DOI: (Scopus Indexed) |
81 | Solar based Electric Vehicle Charging and Parking monitoring System using IoT technology | Karanam Deepak | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
82 | Closed-Loop High-Step up Converter with Soft Switching in PV Systems | Karanam Deepak | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
83 | A Novel Method of CHB Five Level STATCOM Based Multilevel Inverter | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
84 | Simulation of BLDC Motor by using Fuzzy Based Bridgeless Buck-Boost Converter | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
85 | Simulation Of Solar Based Five Level Inverter Fed With Industrail Applications | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
86 | Power Quality by using DVR Based Super capacitor | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 |
87 | Maximum Power Point Tracking for PV System under Partial Shading Condition via Particle Swarm Optimization | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
88 | IoT based Smart Irrigation System using NodeMCU ESP8266 | P. Siva Deepthi | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
89 | Power sharing in a Microgrid using PI and PI-SMC controllers for PVEWIG system | V.Sowmya Sree | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
90 | Fuzzy Controller Based Buck Boost and Cuk Converter fed BLDC motor drive | V.Sowmya Sree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
91 | IoT Based Room Temperature Monitoring and Control System | V.Sowmya Sree | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
92 | Life Cycle Testing of Electrical Loads by Down Counter using Arduino controller | V.Sowmya Sree | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
93 | Fuzzy Controller Based Buck Boost and Cuk Converter fed BLDC motor drive | Y.Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
94 | Power sharing in a Microgrid using PI and PI-SMC controllers for PVEWIG system | Y.Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
95 | Automatic and Instantaneous Power Quality Monitoring System Using IOT | Y.Sai Indira Priyadarshini | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
96 | HybridElectric Vehicle System with DC/DC Converter Energy Storage | B Vishala | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-1 |
97 | Enhancement Of Power Quality By Using Z-Source Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer | B Vishala | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-2 |
98 | Enhancement Of Power Quality By Using Z-Source Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer | K venkateswaramma | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-3 |
99 | Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System By Using Dual Voltage Source Inverter | K venkateswaramma | EEE | National E-Conference On Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering G.PULLAIAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY TISDS-2020 December 15-16, 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90214-05-4 |
100 | An Improved Perturb and Observe based MPPT Algorithm for PV System | YEDLA HARISH | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
101 | Power-Quality Improvement of a Novel Multilevel Based DSTATCOM | YEDLA HARISH | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
102 | An Improved Perturb and Observe based MPPT Algorithm for PV System | T Nishanath | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
103 | Power-Quality Improvement of a Novel Multilevel Based DSTATCOM | T Nishanath | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
104 | Augmented Torque Capability At Low Speeds In Induction Motor Drives By Sensor less Scalar Control | J.Praveen Kumar | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
105 | Active Power Sharing and Power Quality (PQ) Improvement with VSC Controlled Solar Photovoltaic System | J.Praveen Kumar | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
106 | A Novel Method of CHB Five Level STATCOM Based Multilevel Inverter | D.RAZIYA | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
107 | Simulation of BLDC Motor by using Fuzzy Based Bridgeless Buck-Boost Converter | D.RAZIYA | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
108 | Augmented Torque Capability At Low Speeds In Induction Motor Drives Scalar Control | E.Sivakumar Goud | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
109 | Active Power Sharing and PowerQuality Improvement with VSC Controlled Solar Photovoltaic System | E.Sivakumar Goud | EEE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
110 | Python Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion for Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
111 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
112 | Improving spectral efficiency and low latency in 5G framework utilizing FD‑MIMO | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
113 | An Efficient Image Denoising by Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and BiorSplines Wavelets | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | Kala Sarovar |
114 | Double difference method with zero baselength and short baselength carrier phase measurements for NavIC satellites signal quality analysis | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking |
115 | NavIC Spoofing Detection Technique using Double Difference Carrier Phase Measurement | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | The international journal of analytical and modal analysis |
116 | Resolution Invariant Iterative Image Matching | DR. D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
117 | Smart Blind Stick Using Ultrasonic Sensor | DR. D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology |
118 | Modern Agricultural Irrigation System Using ARM7 | G RAMARAO | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis (TIJAEMA) |
119 | Balloon Satellite for Monitoring of Temperature, Humidity, and Air Pressure | G RAMARAO | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
120 | Crosstalk Noise Analysis with RLC Coupled Interconnects in VLSI Circuits | B OBULESU | ECE | International Journal of Control and Automation |
121 | Implementation of a Multipurpose Crosstalk Noise Avoidance by using Test Adapted Shielding Technique on ASIC | B OBULESU | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
122 | Performance analysis of fibercommunication using fiber Bragg grating | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
123 | High Dynamic Range Image Enhancement Using Python Programming | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing |
124 | Miniaturized and Gain Enhancement of Tapered Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure and Metamaterial Superstrate for GPS Applications | K. VANITHA | ECE | Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, |
125 | Performance Improvement in Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) Network Towards 5G Network | K. VANITHA | ECE | Data Engineering and Communication Technology |
126 | Secure Text Transmission by using Video Cryptography in Real Time Applications |
E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
127 | Video Distortion alleviation using Region Based DT-CWT Fusion |
E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
128 | IoT Based Smart Parking Monitoring Using Labview and Node MCU | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Electronic Design Engineering |
129 | IoT Based Smart Home Automation and Security Using Labview and NodeMCU | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
130 | Investigation of Carrier- to- Noise ratio impact on GDOP in Multi-GNSS Environment | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | The international journal of analytical and modal analysis |
131 | Short – Baseline Measurements of NavIC satellites for Relative positioning in vehicular environment | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | The international journal of analytical and modal analysis |
132 | Industrial Protection System using Arduino and IoT |
A PARVATHI | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
133 | IOT Based Smart Touch Switch Board System | A PARVATHI | ECE | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering |
134 | Vehicle Accident Detection System Using GPS, GSM, and Accelerometer with Arduino Uno | T SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology |
135 | Touchscreen Ordering System for Restaurants Using LabVIEW | T SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering (IJMTE) |
136 | IOT Based Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
137 | VLSI Realization of BIST using a Modified Conventional Linear Feedback Shift Register for Low Power Applications | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
138 | The Influence of Ultrasound for the Protection of Animals on Highways Through Electronic Circuits | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
139 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) |
140 | A Survey of Various Algorithms for Face Detection and Recognition | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | AICTE Sponsored National E-Conference on Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Development of the Society(TISDS-2020) |
141 | RFID based book management system using python programming | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
142 | A Low-Power High-Speed Approximate Precision Controllable Architecture of Multipliers | B PRAVEENA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
143 | Estimation And Correction Of Carrier Frequency Offset To Improve The Performance Of OFDM Systems | B PRAVEENA | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
144 | Performance Analysis of MIMO Techiques in LTE | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
145 | Google Assistant Controlled Home Automation | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
146 | Estimation of Transient CFO in OFDM system | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
147 | DT-CWT Fusion on Region of Interest (ROT) for Distorted Video | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
148 | Python Based Multiple Face Detection System | D. IMRAN | ECE | Journal of Electronic Design Engineering |
149 | Enhanced Approach of Non-Smart to Smart Devices using IOT Techniques | D. IMRAN | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
150 | Doubly-Selective Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM and OFDM Systems | SOFIA SABA | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
151 | Development of Campus radio Transmission Station | SOFIA SABA | ECE | The international journal of analytical and modal analysis |
152 | Improved performance of impulse active noise control using active function threshold with absolute harmonic variable step-size algorithm. | T SUMAN | ECE | Microprocessors and Microsystems (Elsevier) |
153 | Implementation of robust virtual sensing algorithm in active noise control to improve silence zone. International Journal of Speech Technology. | T SUMAN | ECE | Internation Journal of Speech Technology (Springer) |
155 | Denoising and Dereverberation of Speech Using Kalman Filtering | B ERAMMA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
156 | Alzheimers Disease – A Review | SYED SHANWAZ | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
157 | Design of Free Space Communication Under Different Atmospheric Conditions | SYED SHANWAZ | ECE | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering |
158 | Total Electron Content Estimation and Comparison Using Multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BeiDou) Constellation | G RAJASEKHAR | ECE | IEEE Intelligent Technologies |
159 | Design and Implementation of Sequential Circuits in FinFET Technology | G RAJASEKHAR | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
160 | Lung Cancer Detection – A Review | G MAHALAKSHMI | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
161 | Liver Cancer Detection Using Various Image Segmentation Approaches: A Review | G MAHALAKSHMI | ECE | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
162 | A Review – Synthesis of Antenna Arrays Using Optimization Algorithms By reducing side lobe levels | S RUKSANA BEGUM | ECE | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering |
163 | The Influence of Ultrasound for the Protection of Animals on Highways | S RUKSANA BEGUM | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
164 | A Survey on Corono Virus | S. HARIKA | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
165 | Active Noise Control for PVC Duct Using Robust Feedback Neutralization FxLMS Approach | S. HARIKA | ECE | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems (Springer) |
166 | Design and performance analysis of photonic crystal based all-optical 2 × 1 multiplexer | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | Microelectronics |
167 | Modelling and design of all-optical NAND gate using metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguides based Mach- Zehnder Interferometers | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | Optical and Quantum Electronics |
168 | Investigation of Carrier- to- Noise ratio impact on GDOP in Multi-GNSS Environment | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
169 | Design and Implementation of Resource Efficient Radix-16 Cordic Rotator Based FFT Algorithm on FPGA | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
170 | A Review on Detection of Lung Cancer | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
171 | Human Speed Detection | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis (TIJAEMA) |
172 | Investigation of GPS-TEC Inconsistency and Correlation with SSN, Solar Flux (F10.7 cm) and Ap-index during Low and High Solar Activity Periods (2008 and 2014) Over Indian Equatorial Low Latitude Region | T LAVANYA | ECE | IEEE Intelligent Technologies |
173 | Estimation of Moving Vehicles Precise Velocity Using Satellite Signals | T LAVANYA | ECE | The international journal of analytical and modal analysis |
174 | Dynamic Face Recognition Using Viola Jones Algorithm | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis (TIJAEMA) |
175 | Power and Area Constrained Crosstalk Elimination Circuit for High-Speed VLSI Interconnects | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
176 | Android development the future scope | R Varaprasad | CSE | gsjournal |
177 | Machine learning for autism: Promising | Dr K Seshadri Ramana | CSE | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS |
178 | Predicting mental Disorder Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review | M.Sri Lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
180 | Estimation of software quality parameters for hybrid agile process model | Lalband Neelu | CSE | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS |
181 | Artificial intelligence applications in health care-a review | T.Aditya sai Srinivas | CSE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
182 | Role based access control in cloud computing methods -A case study | K.Lakshmi | CSE | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research |
183 | Data Management in Real time transactions in bank sector | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Technology |
184 | A study of Heterogenity characteristics over RPC using cloud platforms | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
185 | ECG Sensors using brainwave better protection and security | R.Varaprasad | CSE | NPJ Quantum Information |
186 | Artificial Intelligence with applications in cyber security issues | C.Ayesha shariff | CSE | Procedia computer science |
187 | ImageNet specifications with Deep Interactive Neural Networks in advanced issues | P SIVAKUMAR | CSE | International journal of machine learning and computing |
188 | Playing Go with Deep Neural Networks in Tree search techniques | R. Vara Prasad | CSE | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
189 | Human-level control and coordination through deep learning methods | R Varaprasad | CSE | ACM Computing Surveys |
190 | The Ethernet evolution: A Local Area Network. Data Link Layer and Physical Layer in OSI | P Rama Rao | CSE | Journal of theoretical and applied computer science |
191 | A Review of Measurements of Internet Backbone Traffic bottlenecks | U Supriya | CSE | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering |
192 | Gradient-Based schematic methods of Learning Applied to Document Recognition | T N Balakrishna | CSE | PeerJ Computer Science |
193 | A study About Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence | G Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of machine learning research |
194 | The Functionalities of Complex Networks topologies in OSI | K Gayathri | CSE | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
195 | A shematic study on the latest trends in deep learning methods | K. Sandhya Rani | CSE | Journal of Big Data |
196 | Deep learning: A Probabilistic Perspective | A David Donald | CSE | INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science |
197 | A survey on Deep Neural networks on the cognitive approaches | V. Sravani | CSE | Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education |
198 | Gradient-Based Learning subjected to Document Recognition techniques | S. Shasikala | CSE | INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science |
199 | A Delay-MANET Network Architecture for Challenged network layer | Ameena Yasmeen | CSE | The Electronic International Journal Advanced Modeling and Optimization |
200 | Wireless Network Energy Saving in the Topology Control method | Dr.K.Sreenivasulu | CSE | International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing |
201 | A study on ImageNet Classification with Deep CNN | R Varaprasad | CSE | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking |
202 | Review on Mobile Edge Networks in computing environments | Dr K Seshadri Ramana | CSE | Vietnam Journal of Computer Science |
203 | A Strategy for Evaluating Security issues in Network Protocols | M.Sri Lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing |
204 | To achieve the Science of Security and Privacy in Machine Learning | M.Janardhan | CSE | Isecure- The ISC International Journal of Information Security |
205 | A review of Data Leakage Detection and Prevention Solutions | Lalband Neelu | CSE | International Journal of Information Security Science |
206 | The Protection of Information in Computer Systems progressive approaches | T.Aditya sai Srinivas | CSE | ACM Computing Surveys |
207 | A Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks and MANETS | K.Lakshmi | CSE | Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education |
208 | A Mathematical Theory of Communication in health care diagnosis | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence |
209 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems in military application environments | Dr.S.Prem Kumar | CSE | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies |
210 | A Survey of Socially Interactive Robots in farming | R.Varaprasad | CSE | International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition |
211 | A Survey on IoT: Architecture, Enabling Technologies, Security and Privacy. | C.Ayesha shariff | CSE | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies |
212 | The Role of Big Data in the Internet of Things in farming | P SIVAKUMAR | CSE | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS |
213 | A Survey on Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things in artechtural strategies. | M SRI LAKSHMI | CSE | INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science |
214 | A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Network security matters | R Varaprasad | CSE | The Electronic International Journal Advanced Modeling and Optimization |
215 | A New Method for Secure Data Transmission using optical fibre in WNN | P Rama Rao | CSE | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies |
216 | Performance and usage of data analytics in health care | U Supriya | CSE | International Journal of Information Security Science |
217 | Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks in data analysis methods | T N Balakrishna | CSE | International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition |
218 | A Neural Conversational Model in security methods | G Sreenivasulu | CSE | Journal of Big Data |
219 | Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation in network passage and issues | G Sreenivasulu | CSE | International Journal of Operations Research |
220 | Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases in different algorithms | K. Gayathri | CSE | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking |
221 | A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning in health care | Dr. K Srinivasulu | CSE | International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics |
222 | Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in industrial purposes | S. Shasikala | CSE | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics |
223 | Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation in education sector | S. Shasikala | CSE | International Journal of Digital Curation |
224 | A Survey of Data Mining Techniques for Social Network Analysis for sentiment analysis | Ameena Yasmeen | CSE | International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence |
225 | A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration in network architectures | R Varaprasad | CSE | International Journal of Green Computing |
226 | A Survey of Cloud Computing Security Management in data anlysis | Dr K Seshadri Ramana | CSE | International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development |
227 | Attacks and Defenses in the Internet of Things : A case study | M.Sri Lakshmi | CSE | International Journal of Information Security Science |
229 | IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities & Sciences | Compliance Engineering Journal |
230 | Identifying bioactivity of pseudo-natural products using the Cell Painting assay | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities & Sciences | Arkivoc |
231 | Chemical synthesis of palmitoylated histone H4 | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities & Sciences | Arkivoc |
232 | Oxidation Mechanism And Kinetic Effect of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) By Bromoamine-T in pH Medium | Dr. J.Mamatha | Humanities & Sciences | Compliance Engineering Journal |
233 | Kinetic Study on Waste Aqua Cultural Shell Powders – Adsorption Of Aqueous Solution Malachite Green | Dr. J.Mamatha | Humanities & Sciences | Mukt Shabd Journal |
234 | Synthesis and in vitro studies of Gd-DTPA-Tris-3-AEA Complex As a new potential MRI contrast agent | M RAVI | Humanities & Sciences | Asian Journal of Chemistry |
235 | Synthesis and Decoration of graphene oxide sheets with Luminescent di nuclear europium complexes | M RAVI | Humanities & Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
236 | Catalytic Hydrogenation of Sorbic Acid using Pyrazolyl Palladium(II) and Nickel(II) Complexes as Precatalysts | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities & Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
237 | The Quality Control of Alcoholic Components of Disinfectants by a Simple Colour Test | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities & Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
238 | On the Mechanism of Uric Acid Oxidation with Lead Dioxide and with Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide | P MALATHI | Humanities & Sciences | Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science |
239 | Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis: A Green Chemistry Strategy | P MALATHI | Humanities & Sciences | Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science |
240 | Initial growth of SnO2 thin film on the glass substrate deposited by the spray pyrolysis technique | B.Suneetha | Humanities & Sciences | Thin Solid Films |
241 | Nanosized glass frits as an adhesive promoter for ink-jet printed conductive patterns on glass substrates annealed at high temperatures | B.Suneetha | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
242 | Thickness of oil films is affected by contact area | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
243 | The validation limits for the SRT-MRT Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulating Single-Phase Flows are limited. | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, |
244 | Graphene Nanocomposites are affected by fracture and fatigue | B.Lavanya | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
245 | Graphene nanocomposites can be synthesised with great efficiency | B.Lavanya | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
246 | Magnetostrictive charateristics of bonded Tb0,3Dy0,7Fe1,9 composites | Palle Divya | Humanities & Sciences | Energy Matter Research |
247 | Micro-structure and thermal diffusion of Gd2Zr2O7 powders | Palle Divya | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
248 | The Great Indian drama: A Critical Study | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
249 | ICT in Education: Trends, Problems, and Prospects | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
250 | A Study of Bharati Mukherjee‟s Women | M. Sridevi | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Science and Sustainable Development |
251 | ‘Female Voice’ as Voiced in the Fictional World of Bharati Mukherjee with Special Reference to her The Tiger’s Daughter and wife | M. Sridevi | Humanities & Sciences | Asia Pacific journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
Syeda Ayesha Jahan | Humanities & Sciences | Asia Pacific journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
253 | The Theme of Education in the Novels of R.K. Narayan | Syeda Ayesha Jahan | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Acharya Narendra Dev Research Institute |
254 | Teaching English for engineering colleges | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
255 | LANGUAGE THROUGH LITERATURE | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
256 | The Picturization of the Female Voice as an Integral Part of the Fictional Forte of Bharati Mukherjee: An Appraisal | K.Santhosh Reddy | Humanities & Sciences | Asia Pacific journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
258 | An Introduction to Fractals Geometry | G. Siddesh Babu | Humanities & Sciences | Mathematical And Computational Applications |
259 | Mathematical Analysis of Hymns for Meditation | G. Siddesh Babu | Humanities & Sciences | The Mathematical Educator |
260 | A Numerical Study on Pressure Drop Characteristics of Fluid Passing Through Two Modified Sudden Expansion Configurations | N. Janaki | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Computer Applications |
261 | Moments of the Power series Distribution | N. Janaki | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Computer Applications |
262 | The Conditional Sequel To The Theory Of Information Function | S. N. Chandrika | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Linear And Topological Algebra |
263 | Behavior of a Higher Order Difference Equation | S. N. Chandrika | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Linear And Topological Algebra |
264 | REDUCTION FORMULA FOR INTEGRAL FUNCTIONS | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities & Sciences | Mathematical And Computational Applications |
265 | Solving a system of integral equations by using some tripled fixed point theorems | V. Narasimha Reddy | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology |
266 | Extended Hyperbolic Function and its Properties | G. Harshavardhan Reddy | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
267 | THE RESEARCH OF UNORDER TABLES AS ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES | G. Harshavardhan Reddy | Humanities & Sciences | Journal of Mathematical Extension |
268 | Reproducing Kernel for Periodic Boundary Conditions | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities & Sciences | Journal For Basic Sciences |
269 | Geometry in A-Metric Space | C. Venkateswaramma | Humanities & Sciences | Acta Universitatis Apulensis |
270 | Alternative Arithmetic of Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers | S. Nikhath | Humanities & Sciences | Computational Methods for Differential Equations |
271 | Concept of Modern Group Theory | S. Nikhath | Humanities & Sciences | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry |
272 | A Study of the Green’s Relations on n-Potent Semirings | R. Maharani | Humanities & Sciences | JournalofMathematical Extension |
273 | Ways to organize learning paths to discover solutions to competition problems | R. Maharani | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science |
274 | An algorithm for automorphisms of infinite dimensional Grassmann algebras | A.G. Gopinath | Humanities & Sciences | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology |
275 | FAST ALGORITHMS OF DUALLY CHORDAL GRAPHS | A.G. Gopinath | Humanities & Sciences | Computational Methods for Differential Equations |
276 | FUZZY UPPER AND LOWER M-CONTINUOUS MULTIFUNCTIONS | G. Ramakrishna | Humanities & Sciences | Stochastic Modeling and Applications |
277 | VERTICAL FOLIATION ASSOCIATED TO A CARTAN SPACE | G. Ramakrishna | Humanities & Sciences | Journal For Basic Sciences |
278 | Human Resource Management Practices in Life Insurance Sector in India (A Comparative study of Public Sector and Private Sector Insurance Companies) |
Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Kala Sarovar |
279 | Employee Retention Strategies of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry | Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research |
280 | Impact of Organizational Communication on Employee’s Performance | Dr.H S Abzal Basha | MBA | Asia-Pacific Journal Of Management Research And Innovation |
281 | Work life Balance and Employee Performance: An Indispensable Linkage | Dr.H S Abzal Basha | MBA | IUJ Journal of Management |
282 | Work life Balance and Occupational Stress: Among Nurse in Healthcare | Dr. C Naga Ganesh | MBA | Innovative Publication for the Indian Institute of Health Management& Research, Jaipur |
283 | Comparative Study on NPAS of Selected Public & Private Sector Banks | Dr. C Naga Ganesh | MBA | Wealth – International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance |
284 | A Study on the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Indian Stock Market Indices | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research |
285 | A Study on Volatility of Indian Stock Market | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Ramanujan International Journal of Business and Research |
286 | Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee’s Performance | N Rajitha | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
287 | Stress Reduction Strategies among Engineering Students | N Rajitha | MBA | International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (IJMSS) |
288 | Comparative Analysis of Economic Value Addition of Selected Automobile Companies | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | Journal of International Finance and Economics |
289 | A Comparative Study on Selected Public and Private Insurance Companies in India | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance |
290 | A Study on Retailer Perception towards Shiva Shakthi Dairy | M Madduleti | MBA | ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Retail Management |
291 | Brand Image and Customer Preference On Flipkart Online Shopping | M Madduleti | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
292 | Assessment of Service Quality in Organized Retail Stores -A Study Of Two Select Cities In The State Of Telangana | E Sravanthi | MBA | ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Retail Management |
293 | A Study on Human Resource Planning with Special Reference to Sugar Industry | E Sravanthi | MBA | International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research |
294 | A Study On Quality Of Customer Service In Public Sector Banks With Special Reference To Ananthapuramu District Of A.P | LVV Nagaraju | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
295 | Assessment of Service Quality in Organized Retail Stores -A Study Of Two Select Cities In The State Of Telangana | LVV Nagaraju | MBA | ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Retail Management |
296 | A Paradigm Shift in Financial Reporting Standards | T Sudheshna Devi | MBA | International Academic Journal Of Accounting And Financial Management |
297 | Ethical Investment: An Emerging Branch of Finance Function | T Sudheshna Devi | MBA | Wealth – International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance |
298 | Growth and Performance of Public and Private Insurance in Indian Insurance Sector: A Comparative Study | K Nagaiah | MBA | International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance |
299 | Comparative Study on NPAS of Selected Public & Private Sector Banks | K Nagaiah | MBA | Wealth – International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance |
300 | A Study on Quality of Customer Service In Public Sector Banks With Special Reference To Ananthapuramu District Of A.P | Dr. K Nagaraju | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
301 | Brand Image and Customer Preference On Flipkart Online Shopping | Dr. K Nagaraju | MBA | Mukt Shabd Journal |
302 | Mechanical Charecterization Of hybrid composite of biwooven , glass epoxy fibre and sisal jute |
A.Srinivas S, S.Javeed | ME | International Journal of Production Engineering and system Technology |
303 | Design And Analysis of a Boat Hull using Different Materials |
A.Srinivas S, G.Sivaprasad |
ME | Internationation conference on Chemical aterial Engineering |
304 | Analysis of Material Strenth For Composites With Sisal Jute And Alovera As Fibre |
A.Ramanjaneya Reddy1, A.V. Krishna Chaitanya 2 & M Nagaraju3 |
ME | International Journal of Research innovations in techno world |
A.Srikanth , G.SivaPrasasd A.Srinivas |
ME | International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications-2020 |
306 | A Study On Improvement In Computational Efficiency For DCI Engine Using Fluent Software |
A.V.Krishna Chaitanya. A.Ramanjaneya Reddy |
ME | international journal of autoignition engineering |
307 | Machinability Performance Of Al2025 On Cnc Using Grey Rational Analysis |
A.V. Krishna Chaitanya. A. Ramanjaneya Reddy, S. Javeed, A.Srinivas |
ME | International journal of Innovation trends in mechanical and production engineering |
Dr.S.Venkateswarlu, B Mohammad Rafi, S Sowmya, M Charan, 5C Srihari |
309 | Machinability and Formability of Aluminum Material for Metal Matrix Composites |
G.SivaPrasasd1, A.Srikanth 2 | ME | Machinability and Formability of Aluminum |
310 | Performance Analysis of Heat Pipe Using Analysis Software’s |
G. SivaPrasasd1, N.Govinda Rao 2 |
ME | International Journal of Advancement In Engineering Sciences and Applied Sciences |
311 | Optimum Design of closed circle Layout In Flexible Manufacturing System–An Approach Of NTOT |
, Dr. K Mallikarjuna. 1, N.Govinda Rao . 2, A.Srinivas 3 |
ME | International Journal of advances in Mechanical |
1S.Javeed, 2G.SivaPrasad |
ME | International Journal for Traffic congestion and Engineering |
313 | Performance Analysis Of Marble (Caco3) Filled C96300 Alloy For Journal bearing |
1S.Javeed, 2A.Srinivas |
ME | International Journal of Production systems Technology and Engineering |
314 | Enhancement of R410 Performance in Vapour Compression Refrigeration System |
1S. Javeed, 2S. Venkateswarlu |
ME | International Conference on mechanical manufacturing systems |
315 | Design of Wrung Order Layout Using Advanced Optimization Techniques with Integrated Variable Batch Scheduling |
K. Mallikarjuna and Y. Hariprasad Reddy |
ME | Smart Computing Techniques and Applications, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics |
316 | Investigation of drilling process parameters on carbon epoxy fiber reinforced composite using fuzzy logic and Neural network |
N. Govinda Raoa K. Mallikarjuna b |
ME | International Journal of Advances Mechanical Science Applications (IJAMSA) |
317 | Experimental investigation of honeycomb composite materials |
N.Govinda Rao . 1, A.Srinivas 2 |
ME | International Journal of Material properties Engineering |
N.Govinda Rao .1 , A.Srinivas 2 |
ME | International Conference On Industrial Engineering Practices And Management |
319 | Metadata of the chapter that will be visualized in SpringerLink |
Mallikarjuna | ME | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering |
320 | Multi Stage Reliability Optimization Usingstochastic Dynamic Programming |
ME | Solid State Technology |
321 | Mechanical Behavior Of GPRF Composite with biwooven fibre |
M.Nagaraju , 2A.V.Krishna Chaitanya . 3A.Ramanjaneya Reddy |
ME | International Journal of Engineering methods and Science technology |
Sr.No. | Title of Paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal |
1 | Effective Utilization Of Quarry Residues And Mineral Admixtures In High Strength Concrete | Syed Afzal Basha, B J Reddy | CE | International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering |
2 | Experimental Investigation Of Replacing Cement With Corn Cob Ash Powder | C G Mohan Babu, Vinay Babu, Afzal Basha, K Anand | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
3 | Urban Sprawl And Imperviousness Mapping Using Satellite Data | Kalyani, Dinesh, Satish | CE | International journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
4 | An Alternate Aggregate & Metakaolin Blend In Concrete To Assess Compressive Strength | S Afzal Basha, S Vinay Babu, S Akhil Tej | CE | International Journal For Scientific Research & Development |
5 | Development & Assessment On Strength Properties Of Concrete By Using Self Curing Agents | K Mallikarjuna, V Kishore kumar, M Muralikrishna | CE | International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology |
6 | Compression And Split Tensile Characteristics Of Concrete Containing Quarry Residues | S Afzal Basha, B J Reddy, C Sashidhar | CE | International Journal Of Inventive Engineering And Sciences |
7 | Strength Analysis of Concrete Containing Crushed Rock Particles As Partial And Total Replacement Of Sand | S Afzal Basha, B J Reddy, C Sashidhar | CE | International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering |
8 | Comparative Seismic Analysis Of Rcc And Composite Building (G+7) Storey | Venkata Mahesh, Vinay Babu, S Akhil Tej | CE | International Journal Of Trend In Research And Development |
9 | A Performance Of Fine-Grained Concrete With Rice Husk Ash | K Anand, C G Mohan, Vinay, Pavithra | CE | International Journal Of Scientific Research And Review |
10 | Performance Of Steel Fibers In Polymer Concrete | S Vinay Babu, N V Ramana | CE | Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering |
11 | Strength Evaluation Of High Performance Concrete Slabs In Punching Shear | N V Ramana, S Vinay Babu | CE | International Journal For Advance Research In Engineering And Technology |
12 | Remediation And Improvement Of Concrete By Microbiologically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation | J Ushasree, Afzal Basha, Pavithra | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
13 | Strength Evaluation of High-Performance Concrete Slabs In Punching Shear | S Vinay Babu, S Afzal Basha, A Vinod Kumar | CE | International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research |
14 | Comparison Of Conventional Structural Analysis and Linear Static, Analysis Using Etabs | J Ushasree, Afzal Basha, Sowjanya | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
15 | Influence Of Ggbs On The Strength & Durability Properties Of Fly ash Based Self Compacting Geopolymer Concrete | K Mallikarjuna Reddy, Nagesh Kumar | CE | International journal for research trend and innovation |
16 | Performance Of High-Density Polyethylene Fibre Concrete | N V Ramana, S Vinay Babu, Harathi | CE | International Journal Of Asian Academic Research Associates |
17 | ‘Reduction of Current Harmonics by Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Shunt Active Power Filters’ | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | ‘International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)’, |
18 | Current Harmonics Mitigation by Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based SAPF during Unbalanced loading conditions | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
19 | Genetic Algorithm Based Multistage Fuzzy Dc Voltage Regulator For UPFC For Dynamic Stability Enhancement Of SMIB System | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 |
20 | Dynamic Stability Enhancement Of Ieee 30 Bus System With Gapod And Gadcvr Controllers Based Upfc | Dr C Srinivasa Rao | EEE | European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine |
21 | “Comparison of Decoupled and Coupled PWM Techniques for Open End Induction Motor Drives” | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 V. Bindhu et al. (eds.), International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems |
22 | “Reducing number of switches in multilevel inverter using diode clamped and H Bridge inverters” | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 H. S. Saini et al. (eds.), Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, |
23 | Wireless Power Trasfer For Electric Vehicle Appications | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020 ISSN NO:2231-3990 Page No:1477-1492 |
24 | Power Quality Improvement For Wind/Pv Hybrid System By Using Dstatcom | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
25 | Interleaved High Stepup Converter For Pv System | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
26 | A Fuzzy Controller based D-STATCOM for Induction Motor Drive Applications to Power Quality Improvement | Dr. M. Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | TEST Engineering & Management |
27 | Control Of Substation Equipment Using Gsm Based Scada | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
28 | Automatic Car Parking System Using Ir Sensor | Dr. B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
29 | Indrustrial Applications Of Plc | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
30 | Smart Helmet For Two Wheeler Drives | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
31 | Power Quality Improvement In DFIG Based WECS Connected to the Grid Using UPQC Controlled By Fractional Order PID And ANFIS Controllers | Dr G Pandu Ranga Reddy | EEE | Journal Of Mechanics Of Contin And Mathematical |
32 | “Comparison of Decoupled and Coupled PWM Techniques for OpenEnd Induction Motor Drives” | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 V. Bindhu et al. (eds.), International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems, |
33 | Advanced single phase T-Type Multilevel Inverter For Electrical Vehicle Appilcations | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International Journal of Research (IJR) |
34 | ‘Reduction of Current Harmonics by Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Shunt Active Power Filters’ | R.Sheba Rani | EEE | ‘Reduction of Current Harmonics by Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Shunt Active Power Filters’ ‘International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)’, |
35 | Current Harmonics Mitigation by Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based SAPF during Unbalanced loading conditions | R.Sheba Rani | EEE | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
36 | A Fuzzy Controller based D-STATCOM for Induction Motor Drive Applications to Power Quality Improvement | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | TEST Engineering & Management |
37 | Improvement of power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based Super capacitor for Industrial Applications | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
38 | Simulation Of Solar Based Five Level Inverter Fed With Induction Motor Drive | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
39 | Line To Line Line To Ground Fault Detection In Pv System Using Arduino | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
40 | Fault Diagnosis And Small Wind Turbine Monitoring Using Arduino | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
41 | Simulation and analysis of DFIG system with wind turbine implementing fuzzy logic control | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
42 | Solar Inverter Using Super Capacitor | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
43 | Simulation Of Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Power Quality Improvement With Hysteresis Voltage Controller | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
44 | Simulation and analysis of DFIG system with wind turbine implementing fuzzy logic control | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
45 | Detection Of Power Grid Synchronization Failure By Using Gsm Technology | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
46 | Energy Tampering Identification In Distribution Lines By Using Plcc | A. Suresh Kumar | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
47 | A Novel Method Of New Multi Input Two And Three-LevelDc-Dc Converter For Hybrid Electric Vehicles | K. Jagadeesh | EEE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
48 | Power Theft Detection And Intimation Energy Meter Information On Through Sms With Auto Power Cutoff | K. Jagadeesh | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
49 | Smart Energy Meter With Reading Indication Using Gsm | K. Jagadeesh | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
50 | Feeder Protection Over Load And Earth Fault Relay Using Gps Module | K. Jagadeesh | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
51 | A Novel Method Of New Multi Input Two And Three-LevelDc-Dc Converter For Hybrid Electric Vehicles | S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
52 | Automatic Power Factor Control For Switchmode Power Converter | S.Sankara Prasad | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
53 | Analysis of harmonics and ripple content in vector control schemes for induction motor | U. Chaithanya | EEE | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) |
54 | Improvement of Power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Performance for Induction Motor Drives | U. Chaithanya | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
55 | Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Four Phase Switched Reluctance Motor | U. Chaithanya | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
56 | “Reducing number of switches in multilevel inverter using diode clamped and H Bridge inverters” | K.Jayasree | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 H. S. Saini et al. (eds.), Innovations in |
57 | Gsm Based Patient Health Care Monitoring System | K.Jayasree | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
58 | Improvement of Power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Performance for Induction Motor Drives | K.Jayasree | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
59 | Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Four Phase Switched Reluctance Motor | K.Jayasree | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
60 | Simulation and analysis of DFIG system with wind turbine implementing fuzzy logic control | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
61 | “Comparison of Decoupled and Coupled PWM Techniques for OpenEnd Induction Motor Drives” | K Deepak | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 V. Bindhu et al. (eds.), International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems, |
62 | “Reducing number of switches in multilevel inverter using diode clamped and H Bridge inverters” | K Deepak | EEE | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 H. S. Saini et al. (eds.), Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, |
63 | A Novel Method Of New Multi Input Two And Three-Level Dc-Dc Converter For Hybrid Electric Vehicles | K Deepak | EEE | International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research |
64 | A Fuzzy Controller based D-STATCOM for Induction Motor Drive Applications to Power Quality Improvement | K Deepak | EEE | TEST Engineering & Management |
65 | Simulation Of Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Power Quality Improvement With Hysteresis Voltage Controller | K Deepak | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
66 | Fuel Cell Based DC Link Voltage Controlled Scheme for High Reliable Distributed Generation | R. Vasuda | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, |
67 | Simulation of 3-phase Multi-Level Inverter with Reduced No of Switches | R. Vasuda | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, |
68 | Fuel Cell Based DC Link Voltage Controlled Scheme for High Reliable Distributed Generation | S Divya | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, |
69 | Simulation of 3-phase Multi-Level Inverter with Reduced No of Switches | S Divya | EEE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, |
70 | Simulation and analysis of DFIG system with wind turbine implementing fuzzy logic control | P Siva Deepthi | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
71 | Improvement of power Quality by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based Super capacitor for Industrial Applications | P Siva Deepthi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
72 | Electronic Soft Start Of 3-Phase Induction Motor | P Siva Deepthi | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020 ISSN NO:2231-3990 Page No:1525-1529 |
73 | Railway Track Crack Detector Robot By Using Led-Ldr | P Siva Deepthi | EEE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
74 | Simulation Of Solar Based Five Level Inverter Fed With Induction Motor Drive | P Siva Deepthi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
75 | Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System using D-Statcom in Transmission Lines | B Vishala | EEE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) |
76 | A DC Converter With Battery Energy Storage for Hybrid Electric Vehicles | K Venkateswaramma | EEE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) |
77 | Analysis of Multi-Frequency Multi-GNSS Real-Time Signal Observations Acquired by Septentrio PolaRx5 Receiver Station |
DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering |
78 | Interpolation of the Histogramed MR Brain Images for Resolution Enhancement | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering |
79 | Resolution Invariant Iterative Image Matching | DR. V.VIJAYA KISHORE | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
80 | Python Based Multiple Face Detection System | DR. V.VIJAYA KISHORE | ECE | Journal of Electronic Design Engineering |
81 | Estimation of Differential Code Bias of IRNSS Satellites using Zero Mean Method | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, |
82 | Global Positioning System Total Electron Content Variation and Correlation with Space Parameters | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
83 | Detection of Brain Tumerand its area Using Image Processing | D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
84 | The Influence of Ultrasound for the Protection of Animals on Highways | D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
85 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Techniques – A Review | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Current Signal Transduction Therapy |
86 | Enhanced Approach of Non-Smart to Smart Devices using IOT Techniques | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
87 | Crosstalk Avoidance with Low Power and Low Area in ASIC Applications | B OBULESU | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
88 | Estimation of Crosstalk Noise Analysis With Mutually Coupled RLC Interconnects In VLSI Circuits | B OBULESU | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
89 | Optimizing the Effect of Cropping and Rotation Attacks on Watermarked Images using Back Propagation Neural Network in DWT Domain | G RAMARAO | ECE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology |
90 | Low Power Array Multiplier Using Modified Full Adder | G RAMARAO | ECE | IEEE Conference |
91 | Design And Implementation For Crosstalk Noise Avoidance In VLSI Circuits Using Fibonacci Numeral Codes | M RIYAZ PASHA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
92 | Image Retrieval using Cumulative angular function | M RIYAZ PASHA | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
94 | Application of Navigation with Indian Constellation(NavIC) Signals for Ionosphere Irregularities Measurement | ECE | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) | |
95 | CMOS Impleamentation of Comparators for ADCs |
S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | ICDSMLA-2019 Conference Held On (Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd ) |
96 | Detection Of Severity Of Optical Nerve Head Damage Using Oct Images | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, |
97 | Low Power bus encoding for crosstalk avoidance | A PARVATHI | ECE | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems |
98 | Modeling of Capacitive Coupled Interconnects for Crosstalk Analysis in VLSI Circuits | A PARVATHI | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thought |
99 | Biometric based quorum implementation using Labview and GSM | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | IJCRT |
100 | Fast Image Dehazing Method by Linear Transformation | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
101 | Ionospheric TEC Maps | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) |
102 | Recognition And Tracking Of Moving Objects | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) |
103 | Accident Detection and Prevention in Subterranean Colleries Using LabVIEW | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
104 | Self-Governing Robot Using LabVIEW and Node MCU | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
105 | Design And Testing Of CombinationalLogic Circuits Using Built In Self-Test Scheme ForFPGAs | T SUMAN | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
106 | VLSI implementation of configurable linear feedback shift registerin VHDL | T SUMAN | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
107 | Gain enhancement of microstrip patch antenna using Split Ring Resonator | T SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems |
108 | Ionospheric TEC Maps | T SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
109 | Labview Based Monitoring And Controling of Process Variables | A SWETHA | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
110 | Recognition and Tracking of Moving Objects | A SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
111 | GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Using Arduino | M RADHIKA | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
112 | Post COVID-19 Potentials and Innovation: The Future Supply Chain | M RADHIKA | ECE | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences |
113 | Coaxial feed Microstrip antenna for enhancing Bandwidth | VEERAMREDDY SHANTHI | ECE | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems |
114 | Image Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images | VEERAMREDDY SHANTHI | ECE | ALOCHANA CHAKRA JOURNAL |
115 | Wireless Secured Data Transmission Using Cryptographic Techniques | V SREENIVASA ARUN KUMAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
117 | Enhanced Approach of Non-Smart to Smart Devices using IOT Techniques | PELLURI SUBBA RAO | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
118 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Techniques – A Review | PELLURI SUBBA RAO | ECE | Current Signal Transduction Therapy |
120 | VLSI implementation of configurable linear feedback shift registerin VHDL | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
121 | Efficient Attendance Management Using Multiple Face Recognition | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | Elixir Computer Engineering |
122 | Type-2 Fuzzy Set based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM-2019), IISc BANGALORE, India |
123 | The Influence of Ultrasound for the Protection of Animals on Highways | B PRAVEENA | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
124 | Enhanced Approach of Non-Smart to Smart Devices using IOT Techniques | B PRAVEENA | ECE | Journal of Switching hub |
125 | A Novel Method Of Low Interference Uplink & Downlink Mac Protocol For Full-Duplex Wi-Fi Networks | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | International Journal for Recent Developments in science and Technology |
126 | Medical Image Fusion using Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform for Analysis and Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | Elixir Computer Engineering |
127 | Medical Image Fusion using Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform for Analysis and Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | Elixir Computer Engineering |
128 | Detection of leaf diseases using image segmentation | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | International Journal Creative Research Thoughts |
129 | A Miniature Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure for WLAN Applications | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, |
130 | Optimizing the Effect of Cropping and Rotation Attacks on Watermarked Images using Back Propagation Neural Network in DWT Domain | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology |
131 | Fast and Accurate Content Based Image Classification and Retrieval using Gaussian Hermite Moments applied to COIL 20 and COIL 100 | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | IEEE 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT-2019), IIT KANPUR, India |
132 | Self-Governing Robot Using LabVIEW and Node MCU | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | Journal of Switching Hub |
133 | Accident Detection and Prevention in Subterranean Colleries Using LabVIEW | T LAVANYA | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
134 | Estimation of Crosstalk Noise Analysis With Mutually Coupled RLC Interconnects In VLSI Circuits | T LAVANYA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
135 | Design And Implementation For Crosstalk Noise Avoidance In VLSI Circuits Using Fibonacci Numeral Codes | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
136 | Crosstalk Avoidance with Low Power and Low Area in ASIC Applications | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
137 | Modeling of Capacitive coupled interconnects for crosstalk analysis for VLSI Circuits | V KRISHNAKANTH YADAV | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
138 | Crosstalk Noise Analysis with RLC Coupled Interconnects in VLSI Circuits | V KRISHNAKANTH YADAV | ECE | International Journal of Control and Automation |
139 | GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board using Arduino | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
140 | LoRa Communication between two Arduino using LoRa Module SX1278 | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis |
141 | Object Identification Using MATLAB | K VENKATESWARLU | ECE | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research |
142 | An efficient image desoising by Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and Biorsplines wavelets | K VENKATESWARLU | ECE | International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical, Civil & Electrical Engineering |
143 | Cloud Computing Challenges And Concerts in VM Migration Technology | Dr. S. Prem Kumar | cse | Test Engineering Management |
144 | Cross Entropy based Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Model for Analysing the Time Series on Stock Market Price | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems |
145 | Energy- Efficient Routing to Enhance Network Lifetime in wireless Sensor Network: A Review | P. Suman Prakash | cse | Test Engineering Management |
146 | A Pattern Recognition Model of Python Programming using Artificial Neural Network via NeMo | M.Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering |
147 | Secure Intelligence Model For Big Data Security | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System |
148 | Machine Learning Centric Product Endorsement on Flipkart Database | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology |
149 | Exploration on Cloud Foundry industry – standard cloud platform | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
150 | Fuzzy Subnets and System Theory and Applications | Dr. S. Prem Kumar | cse | International Journal of Research |
151 | Online Voting System Support through Face Recognition | Dr. S. Prem Kumar | cse | International Journal of Research |
152 | The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Agriculture | Dr. S. Prem Kumar | cse | International Journal of Research |
153 | Machine Learning based SVM Classifier for Copy Create Video Forgery Detection Techniques Using Frame Correlation Difference | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | International Journal of Research |
154 | Precocious ATM System Using Iris Scanner | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
155 | Sixth Sense Technology | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | International Journal of Research |
156 | Different Types of ML Methods for Network Instrusion Detection | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | International Journal of Research |
157 | MATLAB Technology | Dr.K.SheshadriRamana | cse | International Journal of Research |
158 | Under Water Wireless Communication | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | International Journal of Research |
159 | Expert System | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | International Journal of Research |
160 | Cyber Forensics | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | Compliance Engineering Journal |
161 | Detecting Unconventional Attacks in Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing Using big Data Analytics | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
162 | Multi-Factor Authentication Approach for Secure Access Cloud Services | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
163 | Rain Technology | k.lakshmi | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
164 | ML Kit in FireBase for App Development | k.lakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
165 | Unity 3D Game Integration in Native Android Application | k.lakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
166 | Speed Control Using GPS | k.lakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
167 | An Efficient and Secure Modified privacy data access control scheme for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
168 | Secure Data Deduplication Mechanism with Convergent Key Approach in Cloud Computing | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
169 | Electronic Ball Innovation | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
170 | Train Bot: Chatbot for Railways | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
171 | Explorations of Data Visualization Techniques for Business Anlytics | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
172 | A Survey on Video Survelliance Using Artificial Intelligence | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
173 | Sanskrit: A Platform for Computer Programming Languages and AI | P. Rama Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
174 | The Creative Idea of Replicating the Human Brain as a Virtual Brain-Blue Brain | C. Praveen | cse | International Journal of Research |
175 | Student Pass Percentage Deduction Using Ensemble Learning | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
176 | Building Minimal Classification Rules for Breast Cancer Diagnosis using Support Vector Machine Algorithm | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
177 | Mitigate Cloud Threats: A Step-by-Step Process of Threat Modeling | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
178 | Hostel Management System Using Ensemble Learning | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
179 | Cross Entropy Based Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Model for Analyzing the Time Series on Stock Market Price | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems |
180 | Fake Profile Identification Using Machine Learning | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
181 | IoT: Distributed Data Service Functionalities | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
182 | Cloud-Based Multimedia Content Protection System | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
183 | Big-Data Based Security Analytics Approach for Finding the Advanced Attacks in Virtualized Infrastructures | M.Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Research |
184 | Sensor-Based Datasets for Human Activity Affirmation | M.Srilakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
185 | Multi-Factor Authentication Approach for Secure Access Cloud Services | K. Lakshmi | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
186 | Rain Technology | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | International Journal of Research |
187 | Expert System | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | Compliance Engineering Journal |
188 | Cyber Forensics | N.parasuram | cse | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
189 | Hostel Management System Using Ensemble Learning | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems |
190 | Cross Entropy Based Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Model for Analyzing the Time Series on Stock Market Price | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
191 | A Survey on Video Survelliance Using Artificial Intelligence | Dr.K. SheshadriRamana | cse | International Journal of Research |
192 | Sanskrit: A Platform for Computer Programming Languages and AI | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
193 | MATLAB Technology | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
194 | Train Bot: Chatbot for Railways | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
196 | Synthesis of Graphene oxide nanocomposite and its spectral characterization | Dr.T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology |
198 | Anomaly Detection In Traffic Video Surveillance | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | Mukt Shabd Journal |
199 | Synthetic studies towards N-substituted 3-vinyl-4-piperidineacetic acid derivatives | Dr. D R Venkatesh | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
200 | Synthesis of some dipyrrolo phenanthroline derivatives as novel macromolecules | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal for Applied chemistry |
201 | Control efficiency of Salicylic acid activity Microcapsule against post harvest blue mould in Apple food. | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal for Applied chemistry |
202 | NEW SYNTHETIC METHOD OF 4-METHOXY-7H-FURO [3, 2-g][1]BENZOPYRAN-7-ONE | J Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Pharmacy and Medicinal Chemistry |
203 | Synthesis and Characterization of complex vanadyl schiff bases | J Mamatha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Global Science & Technology |
204 | Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of N-acetyl-d-penicillamine in Acidified Iodate and Aqueous Iodine | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South affrican journal of Chemistry |
205 | Anti-corrosion Behaviour of Expired Tobramycin Drug on Carbon Steel in Acidic Medium | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South affrican journal of Chemistry |
206 | Design, synthesis and characterization of novel fluorinated styryl chromones | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | Indian Journal of Chemistry |
207 | Transformations of perfluorotoluene by the action of 2-mercaptoethanol | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
208 | Nanophase Glass-Ceramics | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
209 | Glass-ceramics derived from blast furnace slag can be prepared and characterized through a ceramic sintering process | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
210 | Experiments and finite element simulations are being conducted to investigate grip clamps for expanded diameter half-hard aluminum conductors with a composite core. | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
211 | Examining the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Natural Hybrid Composites | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
212 | Oil films’ thickness is influenced by their contact area | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
213 | Validation is restricted to the SRT-MRT Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulating Single-Phase Flows | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
214 | TEM study of nano–scale particles formed in Cu–base alloys | S.Neelakanta Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of optik |
215 | Thermomechanical processing affects the structure and corrosion-mechanical properties of AISI 321 steel. | S.Neelakanta Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Optical Letters |
216 | AN ANALYSIS OF EXPLOITATION AND EMANCIPATION ALICE WALKER’S”THE COLOR PURPLE | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
217 | A Study of Poems of Nissim Ezekiel | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | Journal for Mutlidisciplinary Research |
218 | A CRITICAL STUDY OF SELECTED WORKS OF FLORA NWAPA | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
219 | An Analysis of Woman characters in the work of Shobha De | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Innovation and Research |
220 | AN ANALYSIS OF POSTMODERN ELEMENTS IN SALMAN RUSHDIE’S “MIDNIGHT’S | L.Tehseen Khanam | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
221 | Women Empowerment in India | L.Tehseen Khanam | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research |
222 | CRITICAL STUDY OF R.K.NARAYAN’S’ “SWAMY AND FRIENDS’’ | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
223 | Enhancing Teaching Methods: A Need of the Hour | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Innovation and Research |
224 | The Relationship Between Instructors’Teaching Contexts, Academic and Professional Backgrounds, and Their Uses of Class Time in Mathematics Content Courses for Elementary Teachers | Shaina Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
225 | Teacher Candidates’ Reflections on Responding to Errors: Investigation Vision and Goals | Shaina Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
226 | College Students’ Meanings for Central Angle and Inscribed Angle | Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
227 | Analysis of Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Identification of Mathematical Problem-Solving Tasks and Divine Student Solutions | Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
228 | The Effect of Math in High School on College Success | Dr V Suresh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
229 | Making Sense of Geometry Education Through the Lens of Fundamental Ideas | Dr V suresh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
230 | Generalization, Acculturation, and Accommodation | R MahaRani | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
231 | Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Interpretations of the Situative Perspective | R MahaRani | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
232 | Mathematics Teacher Developers’ Views of a Representation Classes | N Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
233 | Mathematical Authority: Three Cases of Preservice Teachers’ Algebraic Justifications | N Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
234 | Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Opportunities to Learn Reasoning and Proof in Algebra | G Harashavardan Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
235 | Second Graders’ Self reflective Actions in Problem Solving Revealed Through Action Cards | G Harashavardan Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
236 | Dual Solutions for the Problem of Mixed Convection Flow Through a Porous Medium Using an Iterative Finite Difference Method | C Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
237 | A Genetic Decomposition of Probabilistic Independence | C Venkateswaramma | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
238 | Children’s Multiplicative Reasoning: Initial Validation of a Written Assessment | S N Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | mathematics educator |
239 | Marketing in the age of intelligent virtual assistant | Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Journal of advance research in dynamical & Control Systems |
240 | META – Synthesis on Artificial Intelligence (Ai): Imperatives For Branding | Dr. M. Giridhar Kumar | MBA | International journal of recent technology and Engineering |
241 | Employer branding: a new facet of education sector | Dr. H.S. Abzal Basha | MBA | Indian Journal of Research |
242 | A Research on Supplier Performance with Reference to Switching Technologies Gunther Limited | Dr. H.S. Abzal Basha | MBA | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering |
243 | Servicescapes Infuence On Brand Loyalty | Dr. K. Nagaraju | MBA | A Journal of Composition Theory (JCT) |
244 | Impact of social Networking sites on Young Consumer Buying Behaviour | Dr. K. Nagaraju | MBA | Kala Sarovar |
245 | A study on the impact of Emotional Intelligence in work life Balance to reduce Family-Work Conflict | O. Sridhar | MBA | SCMS Journal Of Indian Management |
246 | Impact of social Networking sites on Young Consumer Buying Behaviour | O. Sridhar | MBA | Kala Sarovar |
247 | Occupational Stress among Private School Teachers with Reference to Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh | C. Naga Ganesh | MBA | International Journal of Current research review |
248 | Social Media: A Sustainable Tool for Marketing Communication? | C. Naga Ganesh | MBA | International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences |
249 | Employer branding: a new facet of education sector | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH |
250 | Occupational Stress among Nurses In Select Private Hospitals With Reference To Kurnool City | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Gisscience |
251 | A Comparative Study on Growth and Performance of Public and Private Insurance in Indian Insurance Sector | K. Nagaiah | MBA | Research Journal Of Social & Life Sciences |
252 | Occupational Stress among Private School Teachers with Reference to Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh | K. Nagaiah | MBA | International Journal of Current research review |
253 | A Research on Supplier Performance with Reference to Switching Technologies Gunther Limited | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering |
254 | A study on glass ceiling in organisation with reference to taltech company, bangalore, karnataka. | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | International Academic Journal of Business Management |
255 | A Comparative Study on Growth and Performance of Public and Private Insurance in Indian Insurance Sector | E. Sravanthi | MBA | Research Journal Of Social & Life Sciences |
256 | Corporate Social Responsibility: A Tool for Reinforcing the Societies | E. Sravanthi | MBA | Journal Of Humanities And Social Science |
257 | Human Resource Management Practices in Life Insurance Sector in India (A Comparative study of Public Sector and Private Sector Insurance Companies) | M.Maddulety | MBA | Contemporary Social Scientist |
258 | Corporate Social Responsibility: A Tool for Reinforcing the Societies | M.Maddulety | MBA | Journal Of Humanities And Social Science |
259 | Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance | N.Rajitha | MBA | Radix International Journal of Research in Economics & Business Management |
260 | A study on glass ceiling in organisation with reference to taltech company, bangalore, karnataka. | N.Rajitha | MBA | International Academic Journal of Business Management |
261 | Human Resource Management Practices in Life Insurance Sector in India (A Comparative study of Public Sector and Private Sector Insurance Companies) | L.V.V. Nagaraju | MBA | Contemporary Social Scientist |
262 | A study on the impact of Emotional Intelligence in work life Balance to reduce Family-Work Conflict | L.V.V. Nagaraju | MBA | SCMS Journal Of Indian Management |
263 | An Experimental Studies on the Polymer Hybrid Composites- Effect of fibers on Characterization | M. Ashok Kumar, K. Mallikarjuna, P. V. Sanjeev Kumar and P. Hari Sankar | ME | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies of Springer Nature Switzerland (Scopus Indexed), |
264 | Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of New Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Composite Sheets: An Experimental Approach | N.Govinda Rao, G.Siva Prasad , Dr.K.Mallikarjuna, |
ME | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) |
265 | Optimization of loop Layout with Job Shop Scheduling as Constraint: An Approach of Metaheuristics | A.Srikanth1 , S.Javeed2 , Dr.K.Mallikarjuna3 |
ME | International Journal of advances in Mechanical |
266 | Multi stage stochastic Dynamic Programming Optimization for Queing ofsales counter in super stores | Dr.S.Venkateswarlu1,Dr.K.Mallikarjuna2 | ME | International Journal of advances in Mechanical (IJAM) |
267 | Solar Powered Autonomous mamal using fuzzy logic | Dr.S.Venkateswarlu1 , N.Govinda Rao2 | ME | International Journal of Engineering and Analytical Reviews (IJEAR) |
268 | optimization of Machining parameters on epoxy and GPRF fiber reinforced polymer composite using fuzzy logic | N.Govinda Rao & Dr.S.Venkateswarlu | ME | International conference on recent in mechanical engineering research |
269 | experimental investigation of Hybrid composites using alovera fibre | N.Govinda Rao , G.Siva Prasad , S.Javeed |
270 | Design and analysis of Single slider ram for shaper machine | N.Govinda Rao.V1 , A.V.Krishna Chaitanya.S2 |
ME | International Conference On Industrial Engineering and science |
271 | Performance Analysis of DI Engne using artificial neural network | G.Siva Prasad | ME | International Journal Of Advancement In Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science |
272 | Experimental investigation on Roller Burnishing Process on En-8 specimens using Design of Experiments | A.Srikanth | ME | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF manufacturing Technology |
273 | Experimental investigation of B20 blend in the DI diesel engine with a modification of smaller orifice injection nozzle | S.Javeed , A. Ramanjaneya Reddy, A.Srinivas |
ME | International Journal of thermal and production engineering |
274 | An Experimental Studies on the Polymer Hybrid Composites with biwooven fiber | S.Javeed, A.Srinivas | ME | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
275 | PerformanceEnhancement of a R-250 A by using vapour absorption refrigeration system | S.Javeed1 , A.Srinivas2 , A.ramanjaneya Reddy3 |
ME | International conference and exposition on Mechanical, material and Manufacturing technology |
276 | Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of Metal matrix composite: An Experimental Approach | A.Sriniva , A.V. Krishna Chaitanya , S.Javeed |
ME | International Journal of Design Engineering |
277 | Design And Analysis profellar shaft for rear wheel drive | A.Srinivas ,A.Ramanjaneya Reddy | ME | International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering |
278 | multi-objective optimization for design of dual row layout in flexible manufacturing system with scheduling constraint | ,A.Ramanjaneya Reddy,G.Siva Prasad | ME | International conference on recent advanced in mechanical engineering research and development |
279 | Performance of Heat exchanger with L Bent tube Using CFD Analysis Software’s | DR S.Venkateswarlu , S.Javeed | ME | International conference on recent advanced in mechanical engineering research and development |
Sr.No. | Title of Paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal |
1 | Experimental analysis on concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregate with powdered | C G Mohan Babu, Anand, S Vinay Babu, Mahesh | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
2 | Evaluation of silica fume cement concretes compressive and split tensile strength | S Afzal Basha, J Ushasree, Pavithra | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
3 | A Case study on PPA+Sulphur modified bitumen with basic tests | S Akhil Tej, R P Sarathy, S Sudheer | CE | International journal of research and analytical reviews |
4 | An alternate fine aggregate and zeolite blend to assess compression quality of concrete | S Afzal Basha, B J Reddy, C Sashidhar | CE | International journal of technical innovation in modern engineering science |
5 | Study on strength and durability of self-compacting geopolymer concrete | K M Reddy, Nagesh Kumar | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
6 | Mechanical properties of high strength concrete with copper slag as fine aggregate | K M Reddy, R V N Reddy | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
7 | Strength of concrete replacing fine aggregate by stone dust | S V Mahesh, K M Reddy, C T Veena | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
8 | Impact of quarry dust and dolomite powder on compressive strength of concrete | S Afzal Basha, B J Reddy, C Sashidhar | CE | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research |
9 | A performance of fine-grained concrete with rice husk ash | K Anand, C G Mohan, Vinay, S Akhil Tej | CE | International journal of scientific research and review |
10 | Design of shear walls in response spectrum method using etabs-2013 | K Sowjanya, S Afzal Basha, C T Veena | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
11 | Effect of compressive strength on rigid pavements by using synthetic and glass fibres in cement concrete pavement | C T Veena, Afzal Basha, Swetha | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
12 | Experimental investigation of replacing fine aggregate with stone dust in concrete | S Afzal Basha, S Vinay Babu, P Pavithra | CE | Journal of Technological advances and scientific research |
13 | Effect of utilization of quarry dust in concrete | S Afzal Basha | CE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
14 | Use of recycled plastic in railway sleepers | S G Bhagyasree, G Tayaba, S Afzal Basha | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
15 | Performance of underground dams as a solution for sustainable management of drought | A R M V Tharun Kumar, K Mahesh Babu, S Afzal Basha | CE | Global Journal Of Trends In Engineering |
16 | Blind Facial Image Quality Enhancement Using Personal priors | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | International Journal of Research |
17 | Smart Sensor Network based Industrial Parameters Monitoring in IOT Environment using Virtual Instrumentation Server | DR. N RAMAMURTHY | ECE | International Journal of Research |
18 | Different techniques to detect Lung Extraction And Quantificaton of Nodules | DR. V.VIJAYA KISHORE | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
19 | Efficient Attendance Management Using Multiple Face Recognition | DR. V.VIJAYA KISHORE | ECE | Elixir Computer Engineering |
20 | Estimation of Differential Code Bias of IRNSS Satellites using Zero Mean Method | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, |
21 | 2.Energy Monitoring System With E Billing Through Gsm Network Using Labview | DR. K C T SWAMY | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
22 | Gesture Controlled Home Automation | D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
23 | IoT controlled Fire Sensing Robot | D RAJASEKHAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
24 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion based on Yager’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets | T TIRUPAL | ECE | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems |
25 | Multimodal Medical Image Fusion based on Undecimated Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Sets | T TIRUPAL | ECE | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering |
26 | .Implementation of Crosstalk Avoidance and Low Power Coding | B OBULESU | ECE | IUP Journal of Information Technology |
27 | .Implementation of Crosstalk Avoidance and Low Power Coding | B OBULESU | ECE | IUP Journal of Information Technology |
29 | .Smart Sensor Network based Industrial Parameters Monitoring in IOT Environment using Virtual Instrumentation Server | G RAMARAO | ECE | International Journal of Research |
30 | Optimizing the Effect of Cropping and Rotation Attacks on Watermarked Images using Back Propagation Neural Network in DWT Domain | M RIYAZ PASHA | ECE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology |
31 | .Detection of Glaucoma using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy in DWT Domain | M RIYAZ PASHA | ECE | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering |
32 | Statistical Behavior of Ionosphere F2-layer Critical Parameters Based on IRI-2016 Model for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Applications | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development in National conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology (RIET) |
33 | Estimation and Analysis of ROT and ROTI Variations at Low Latitude Region during HSA (2014) in India | MOHAMMED ABDUL FARIDA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development in National conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology (RIET) |
34 | .CMOS Impleamentation of Comparators for ADCs |
S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | ICDSMLA-2019 Conference Held On (Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd ) |
35 | Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding(HEVC) Standards. | S FOWZIA SULTANA | ECE | AICTE Sponsored National e-Conference on Technology for Impactful and Sustainable Development of the Society |
36 | System Design and performance analysis of FSO in atmospheric turbulence | A PARVATHI | ECE | Journal of Xidian University2018 |
37 | System Design and performance analysis of FSO in atmospheric turbulence | A PARVATHI | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
38 | Face, Mouth and eyes detection and tracking using MATLAB with Machine learning, | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
39 | 1.Optical Character Recognition Based Speech Synthesis System Using Labview | B GEETHA RANI | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
40 | Survey on Rectangular Patch MicrostripPatch Antenna | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology |
41 | Design & Implementation of Digital Code Lock Using VHDL | E UPENDRANATH GOUD | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation, Vol. 6 Issue 4 pp.22-26, 24, April 2019 |
42 | .Smart Irrigation For Agriculture Fields Using Labview | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
43 | Recognition and tracking of moving objects | P VISHNU KUMAR | ECE | Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations |
44 | Crosstalk avoidance power area in VLSI interconnects | T SUMAN | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
45 | Design & Implementation Of Low Power Test Pattern Generator Using LFSR | T SUMAN | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
46 | . Implementing & Designing of Low Power VLSI Circuits Using Cadence Virtuoso | T SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
47 | Gain enhancement of microstrip patch antenna using Split Ring Resonator | T SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems |
48 | Feature Detection and Matching of Thermal images using SURF algorithm | A SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
49 | Design Of Vivaldi Antenna Inspired By SRR for X-Band Applications, | A SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
50 | Medical Image Fusion using UDWT, Fuzzy Sets and Optimization Techniques | M RADHIKA | ECE | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany |
51 | Type-2 Fuzzy Set based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion | M RADHIKA | ECE | Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM-2019), IISc BANGALORE, India |
52 | Bluetooth controlled robot using Arduino | VEERAMREDDY SHANTHI | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
53 | Surveillance Robot Using Labview & Myrio | VEERAMREDDY SHANTHI | ECE | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation |
54 | PAPR Reduction by using Cooperative PTS for SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems | V SREENIVASA ARUN KUMAR | ECE | International Journal for Scientific Research & Development |
55 | FPGA Implementation for Advanced Encryption Standared with 256 Bit Key Length | V SREENIVASA ARUN KUMAR | ECE | National Conference on RIET |
56 | Design and Implementation of Cross talk Elimination using Bit-Stuffing Algorithm | PELLURI SUBBA RAO | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
57 | Design of Low Power digital FIR filter using low power multipliers and adders | PELLURI SUBBA RAO | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
58 | Design of Low Power digital FIR filter using low power multipliers and adders | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
59 | Power Gated 9T SRAM cell for Low Energy operations | K VINOD KUMAR | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
61 | Multilock system using Arduino | K PUSHPAKALA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
62 | Survey on PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM System” | B PRAVEENA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
63 | SmartHome Management System Based on MSP430 and Wi-Fi. | B PRAVEENA | ECE | International Journal of Trend in Research and Development |
64 | A Novel Method Of Low Interference Uplink & Downlink Mac Protocol For Full-Duplex Wi-Fi Networks | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | International Journal for Recent Developments in science and Technology |
65 | BER Performance of MIMO-OFDM by using BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM & 64-QAM with Over Rayleigh Fading | K.UMA MAHESHWARI | ECE | National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology |
66 | Signal Quality Assesment Of Irnss With Real Time Data | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
67 | 8. Multi-Modality Medical Image Fusion Using Discrete Wavelet Transform | S TOWSEEF AHMED | ECE | International Journal of Research |
68 | Fault diagnosis of memory using BIST Techniques | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications |
69 | Automatic & Instantaneous Power Monitoring System Using IoT | P BINDU SWETHA | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
70 | System Design and performance analysis of FSO in atmospheric turbulence | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | Journal of Xidian University2018 |
71 | System Design and performance analysis of FSO in atmospheric turbulence | M VANI DIVYATHA | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
72 | Image Retrieval using Cumulative angular function | T LAVANYA | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
73 | Low Power Array Multiplier Using Modified Full Adder | T LAVANYA | ECE | International Journal of Research |
74 | A Fast And Accurate Retina Image Verification Method Based On Structure Similarity,”, ISSN: 2320-2882 | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | International Journal of Research |
75 | Design And Implementation For Crosstalk Noise Avoidance In VLSI Circuits Using Fibonacci Numeral Codes | K SWARNA MADHURI | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
76 | GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board using Arduino | V KRISHNAKANTH YADAV | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journal |
77 | Design Of Vivaldi Antenna Inspired By SRR for X-Band Applications, | V KRISHNAKANTH YADAV | ECE | Journal of Xidian University |
78 | PAPR Reduction by using Cooperative PTS for SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | International Journal for Scientific Research & Development |
79 | FPGA Implementation for Advanced Encryption Standared with 256 Bit Key Length | K ANIL KUMAR | ECE | National Conference on RIET |
80 | Design of Dielectric Resonator Antenna For Wireless Communication | K VENKATESWARLU | ECE | Alochana Chakra Journa |
81 | Design of Bow-Tie Patch Antenna With Frequency Agility | K VENKATESWARLU | ECE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
82 | A Study of Heterogeneity Characteristics over Wireless Sensor Networks | K. Sandhya Rani | cse | International Journal of Research |
83 | Capability of Multi Keyword Investigation in Cloud Computing | K. Gayathri | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
84 | Study of Query Optimization in Cloud | Y. Supriya | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
85 | An Effective QOS based Route Optimization Model in Manet using Machine Learning | M. Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
86 | QOS Based Route Optimization Model in Manet | K. Lakshmi | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
87 | Machine Learning for internet of Thing: Smart City | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Research |
88 | IOT Based Weather Monitoring | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
89 | Industrial IOT in Education | D. Jayanarayana Reddy | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
90 | Enhancing Social Media Services using Machine Learning | M. Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
91 | Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Medicine | M. Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
92 | Load Balancing in a Networking | M. Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
93 | A Smart Clinical Decision Support System to Predict diabetes Disease using Machine Learning Techniques | M. Janardhan | cse | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology |
94 | Zero-Injection: A Collaborative Filtering Recommender System for Exploiting Uninterested Items | B. Vijaya Lakshmi | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
95 | EEG Sensors using Brain Waves for Ease of use and Better Security | C. Ayesha Shariff | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
96 | Movie Recommendation System | B. Kalyani | cse | International JournalOf Management, Technology and Engineering |
97 | QOS for Networking | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International JournalOf Management, Technology and Engineering |
98 | Attribute Based Encryption Access Control for Cloud Computing | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International JournalOf Management, Technology and Engineering |
99 | Dynamic Clustering Approaches in Hetergenous Sensor Nodes WSN Survey | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International JournalOf Management, Technology and Engineering |
100 | Access Policy Enforcement in a Cloud Computing Environment | R. VaraPrasad | cse | International Journal of Research |
101 | Fraud-Less Voting using Blockchain | P. Rama Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
102 | Secure Data Deduplication of Cloud Computing | P. Rama Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
103 | An Efficient Nulti KeyWord Search in Cloud Computing | M. Sri Lakshmi | cse | International Journal of Research |
104 | Image Processing and Object Detection using Open CV | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal of Research |
105 | Secure Data Deduplication in the Cloud FrameWork | P. Kiran Rao | cse | International Journal |
106 | Secure in Cloud Computing | M. Sri Lakshmi | cse | For Research in Technological Studies |
107 | A Smart Decision Support System to Predict Diabetes Disease Using Machine Learning Techniques | K. Tarakeshwar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
108 | Cloud Computing: Security Aspects | K. Tarakeshwar | cse | International Journal of Research |
109 | Big Data Security and Privacy Issues | K. Tarakeshwar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
110 | Ambient Intelligence in Every Day Environment | K. Tarakeshwar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
111 | Plant Leaf Disease Classification using Image Processing Techniques | K. Seshadri Ramana | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
112 | Rescue Robot in Coal Mine Using IOT | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
113 | A Comparative Analysis on Various Cryptographic Techniques Based on Multiple Parameters | k. Sreenivasulu | cse | International JournalFor Research in Technological Studies |
114 | Blue Brain: The name of the World’s First Virtual Brain | N. Parashuram | cse | International JournalFor Research in Technological Studies |
115 | Artificial Intelligence with Applications | M. Sri Lakshmi | cse | International JournalFor Research in Technological Studies |
116 | Role Based Access Control in Cloud Computing | K. Lakshmi | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
117 | Fine Grained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing | K. Lakshmi | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
118 | Data Management in Internet of Things | Dr.S. Pem Kuma | cse | International Journalof Research |
119 | Image Processing for Security | Dr. Seshadri Ramana | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
120 | Smart Alert System for Garbage Clearance using IOT | Dr. Seshadri Ramana | cse | International Journalof Research |
121 | Image Processing in Brain Tumor MRI | Dr. Seshadri Ramana | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
122 | Machine Learning Applications for Research to Internet of Things (IOT) | R. Anil Kumar | cse | International Journalof Research |
123 | A Survey on Machine Learning | R. Anil Kumar | cse | International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology |
124 | Controlling Traffic Lights Sequence with Python | P. Suman Prakash | cse | International Journal of Research |
125 | Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocols in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks | Dr.S. Pem Kumar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
126 | A Scable Distributed Architecture for IoT | Dr.S. Pem Kumar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
127 | Secure Computing Arthmetic Operations using Fully Homomorphic Encryption | K. Seshadri Ramana | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
128 | Image Processing in Brain Tumor MRI | K. Lakshmi | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
129 | Role Based Access Control in Cloud Computing | Dr. K. Sreenivasulu | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
130 | Rescue Robot in Coal Mine Using IOT | K. Tarakeshwar | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
131 | Big Data Security and Privacy Issues | P. Rama Rao | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
132 | Secure Data Deduplication of Cloud Computing | P. Rama Rao | cse | Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
133 | A Review on Emerging Contaminants in Sludge Waste Treatment and its Methodology | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology |
134 | Chemicals – Cancer & You | Dr. T Syeda Jeelani Basri | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
135 | Synthesis and biological studies of new quinazolines with ether functions in position 2 | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
136 | Fluorine substituted non-symmetric phenazines: a new synthetic protocol from polyfluorinated azobenzenes | M RAVI | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
137 | Performance of Mn2+-modified Bentonite Clay for the Removal of Fluoride from Aqueous Solution | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
138 | Kinetics of Oxidation of Triaryl Methane Dye, Brilliant Blue-R with Chlorine Dioxide | E SWARNA GOWRI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
139 | Attitudes to science when doing kitchen chemistry at science clubs | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | South African Journal of chemistry |
140 | New reactions and reactive intermediates in the pyrolysis of cyclic phosphonium ylides | P MALATHI | Humanities and Sciences | Arkivoc |
141 | Anisotropy of Single Crystal Lithium Sulphur Binary Alloys | J MAMATHA | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Integrated Research in Chemistry |
142 | Ethyl (2z) – 2 – (aryl) – 5 – (4- methoxyphenyl)- 7 -methyl – 3 – oxo-2, 3, 8, 8a-tetrahydro-5h- [1,3] thiozolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylate Synthesis and Characterizations | J MAMATHA | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Integrated Science and Technology |
143 | English Language and Literature Teaching | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
144 | Conflicts of cultural and identity in Kiran Desai’s “The inheritance of Loss” | G. Shashi Kumar | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
145 | PARTHASARATHY’S ‘THERIVEROF BLOOD’ TRANSLATED BY KA. NAA. SUBRAMANYAN | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
146 | English Language Teaching: A Study | M. Sridevi | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
147 | COURSE AND STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE | L.Tehseen Khanam | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
148 | A STUDY OF WOMEN IN WORLD CLASSICS | L.Tehseen Khanam | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
149 | A Study of Kavita Daswani’s selected novels | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of English Language and Literature and Translation Studies |
150 | Essential Qualities of English Language Teacher | Dr. T .Sujatha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
151 | CARBON NANO TUBES: A PROPITIOUS TOOL IN DRUG DELIVERY | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Engineering & Science Research |
152 | SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF Sm3+ AND Dy 3+ IONS DOPED CADMIUM LEAD BORO ALUMINIUM FLUORIDE GLASSES | B.Suneetha | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) |
153 | Hydrogen fuel production can be achieved through the splitting of dye-sensitive hydrobromic acid. | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
153 | Hydrogen fuel production can be achieved through the splitting of dye-sensitive hydrobromic acid. | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
154 | A bioelectrochemical is used to make hydrogen and ethanol by microorganisms from wastewater discharged from a biodiesel fuel production plant. | S.Loka Raghavendra | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
155 | Dye-sensitized hydrobromic acid splitting is used to produce hydrogen fuel. | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
156 | Hydrogen and ethanol production is a biological process that involves producing both hydrogen and ethanol from waste glycerol discharged from a biodiesel fuel production plant in a bioelectrochemical. | B.Lavanya | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Material Research |
157 | Aluminum of Welded Duplex Stainless Steel | S.Neelakanta Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Materials Physics Letters |
158 | well defined grain boundary modification by Silicon based doped to the Nd-Fe-B two sintered magnets | S.Neelakanta Reddy | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Science research |
159 | A New Method to Describe Image Theory for an Imperfect Conductor | Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
160 | Boundary Distributions with Respect to Chebyshev’s Inequality | Siddesh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
161 | A New Block Method for Special Third Order Ordinary | Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
162 | Computational Discrete Time Markov Chain with Correlated Transition Probabilities | Nikhath | Humanities and Sciences | Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
163 | Numerical Solution of Linear Integro-Differential Equations | MahaRani | Humanities and Sciences | The Mathematical Educator 0218-9100 |
164 | A Study on the Increase of Numerical Stability and Accuracy of the Transfer Matrix Method | MahaRani | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
165 | On the Stability and Ultimate Boundedness of Solutions for Certain Third Order Differential Equations | Suresh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | The Mathematical Educator 0218-9100 |
166 | Characterization of Chain as a Regular Semi Group | Suresh Babu | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Optimization |
167 | Generalization of Differential Operator | Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematical Extension |
168 | Numerical Ultimate Ruin Probabilities under Interest Force | Janaki | Humanities and Sciences | Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
169 | Numerical Treatment of the Mathematical Models for Water Pollution | NarshimhaReddy | Humanities and Sciences | Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
170 | On Characteristic Functions of Fırst Order Theta Function | NarshimhaReddy | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
171 | The Extended Laplace Transform | Harshavardhan | Humanities and Sciences | International Journal of Applied Non Linear Science |
172 | Study of Families of Curves in the Euclidian Plan | Harshavardhan | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | |
173 | Abstract Fixed Points of Set-valued Mappings | Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | Advances And Applications In Mathematical Sciences |
174 | Generalized Cauchy;s Models and Generalized Integrals | Chandrika | Humanities and Sciences | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
175 | The Meaning of Coefficient | Dr. M Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Indian Journal Of Comparative Literature And Translation Studies |
176 | A Study on Operations Management | Dr. M Giridhar Kumar | MBA | Journal of Indian Council of Philosphical Research |
177 | Competency Framework Development for Effective Human Resource Management | Dr. H.S. Abzal Basha | MBA | The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics |
178 | Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources | Dr. H.S. Abzal Basha | MBA | The Indian Journal of Legal Studies |
179 | Importance of Commercial Banks | Dr. K Nagaraju | MBA | International Journal on Reviews and Research in Ssocial Sciences |
180 | Role of Investment Banks Mergers and Acquisitions | Dr. K Nagaraju | MBA | Indian Journal of International Law |
181 | Consumer Satisfaction In Power sector | O Sridhar | MBA | The Global South |
182 | Study the Effects of Customer Service and Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty | O Sridhar | MBA | Asian Journal of Legal Education |
183 | TheEffectofQualityofServiceonCustomerSatisfaction | C Naga Ganesh | MBA | Periodic Research |
184 | Consumer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Commercial Transportation: An Expedition of SERVQUAL Dimensions | C Naga Ganesh | MBA | Issues and Ideas of Education |
185 | A study on customers’ perception towards bancassurance in kurnool city | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research |
186 | Serqual of luxury hotels in Kurnool City | M.Yellaiah Naidu | MBA | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
187 | A Study On Green Hrm Practices In An Organization | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education |
188 | A study on recruitment and selection Process In Information Technology (IT) Industry | Ruhi Afreen | MBA | Journal On Environmental Law Policy And Development |
189 | A Study On Consumer Perception With Reference To Online Grocery Stores | K. Nagaiah | MBA | BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research(BJMR) |
190 | Usage and awareness of Eco-Friendly Bags:Need of the day | K. Nagaiah | MBA | Journal of Marketing & Communication (JOMC) |
191 | Work / Life Balance Reflections On Employee Satisfaction | E Sravanthi | MBA | Small Enterprises Development Mnagement &Extension Journal |
192 | The Role Of Work Life Balance InJobSatisfactionAndJobBenefit | E Sravanthi | MBA | Voice of Intellectual Man |
193 | Journal of Management Development | M.Maddulety | MBA | The Punjab University Economist |
194 | Management And Leadership Development | M.Maddulety | MBA | Research Journal Social Sciences |
195 | Management of Organizational Performance: the Role of Human Resource Management Strategy | N.Rajitha | MBA | Internationa Acedemic Journal of Business Mnagement |
196 | A Study on Impact of transfer on the work life balance of the Employees with reference to Government General Hospital,Kurnool,Andhra Pradesh | N.Rajitha | MBA | Sagar International Journal of Management and Research |
197 | Impact Of Employee Engagement On Job Satisfaction | L.V.V. Nagaraju | MBA | Voice of Dalit |
198 | To Determine the Perception about Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction among the Working Women in Education Sector | L.V.V. Nagaraju | MBA | International Journal on vedic foundations of management |
199 | Methods to improvement utilizing Non-Traditional Optimization techniques |
Dr K. MALLIKARJUNA , N.Govinda Rao |
ME | International Journal of Applied Engineering |
200 | Coordinated in FMS utilizing Non-Traditional enhancement procedures |
N.Govinda Raoa , A. Sreekanthb |
ME | Journal of Product Design in Engineering |
201 | Analysis of Process Parameters During DEBURRING Process |
Dr. S. VENKATESWARLU | ME | International Journal of Techniqes in Indutrial Engineering |
202 | Execution Flow of Variable Viscosity Fluids in Peristaltic Pump |
ME | Interanational Journal Mechanical Devlopment And Research |
203 | Performance Analysis of a Passive Suspension System For Constant And Variable Loads |
ME | Journal of Automotive Research” |
204 | Investigation on Boiler Performance |
S. JAVEED | ME | National Conference in Sri venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology- RAME |
205 | Refrigerant in Vapor Absorption Refrigeration Cycle For Sustainable Environment |
S. JAVEED , A. SREEKANTH | ME | Journal of Engineering Research |
206 | A NTOT for Optimum Design of Line Layout in FMS with Integrated Job shop format |
A. SREEKANTH,N GOVINDA RAO | ME | Journal of Refrigerants in Industrias |
207 | Optimum Design of Line Layout In FMS In Job shop Scheduling |
Dr K. MALLIKARJUNA , A. SREEKANTH | ME | Journal of Science and Research |
208 | Design and analysis of engine cylinder with extended fins through design modification using CATIA v5 & ANSYS |
Dr K. MALLIKARJUNA, S. JAVEED | ME | International Research Journal of Thermal Energy |
209 | Tensile and impact test on Glass fiber reinforced epoxy Fiber |
Dr. S. VENKATESWARLU, G.Siva Prasad |
ME | International Journal of Engineering Research |
210 | Job Shop of Open Field Layout design in flexible Manufacturing System using Trajectory Methods |
N. Govinda Rao, K.Mallikarjuna, | ME | International Journal on Mechanical Engineering |
211 | Cost Reduction in Clustering Based Unit Commitment Employing Hybrid Genetic-Simulated Annealing Technique | Dr.C.Srinivasa Rao |
EEE | Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology |
212 | Performance of PQ theory based Seven- level Cascaded Shunt Active Power Filter using PI, Fuzzy and ANFIS controllers for Harmonic Reduction | Dr.C.Srinivasa Rao |
EEE | 2018 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC) |
213 | A New Method of Five Level Single-Stage Power Factor Correction of AC–DC Converter for Industry Applications. | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
214 | Regernative Braking With Power Monitor | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Research (IJR) |
215 | A Power Quality Improvement Method Adapted For Voltage Control Mode By Employing D-STATCOM | Dr M Rama Prasad Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Research (IJR) |
216 | Comparative Analysis of Flying Capacitor and H-Bridge Multilevel Matrix Converters for DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System | Dr.G.Panduranga Reddy | EEE | In: Hitendra Sarma, T., Sankar, V., Shaik, R. (eds) Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
217 | Energy Audit of G.Pullaiah College of Engineering And Technology | Dr.G.Panduranga Reddy | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
218 | Study And Applications Of Plc Dvp-14ss2 Kit | Dr.G.Panduranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Research |
219 | A Survey on Increasing Grid Power Transmission Limits during Night and Day using PV-STATCOM | Dr.G.Panduranga Reddy | EEE | International Journal For Research on Electronics and Computer Science |
220 | Automation of Electrical Load Using DTMF Technique | Dr.B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Research |
221 | Car Control Using Lab View And IOT Module | Dr.B.V.Rami Reddy | EEE | International Journal of Research |
222 | Advanced five level Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter for PV System | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | International journal of Electrical and Computer Communication Engineering |
223 | Thd Analysis For Single Phase Anvanced 5-Level Diode Clamped Multi Level Inverter Using Multi Carrier PWM Strategies | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
224 | Advanced Five Level Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Switching Elements For Electric Vehicle | M.Venkateswarlu | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
225 | Automatic Street Light Controller Using LDR And RTC With Solar Power | R.Sheba Rani | EEE | International Journal of Research |
226 | Advanced Home Automation Using Lab View Software And Arduino Interface | R.Sheba Rani | EEE | International Journal of Research |
227 | Simulation of Fuzzy logic controller based MLI- STATCOM with Synchronous Reference Frame in Power Distribution Network | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
228 | Minimizing Penalty By Engaging APFC (Automatic Power Factor Compensation) Unit For Industries | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
229 | Integrated Photo Voltaic And Dynamic Voltage Restorer System Configuration | M.Bhagya Lakshmi | EEE | International Journal of Research |
230 | A New Method of Five Level Single-Stage Power Factor Correction of AC–DC Converter for Industry Applications. | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
231 | Simulation of closed loop control of Solar PV Array-Fed Water Pumping System Using Zeta Converter of BLDC Motor Drive | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC) |
232 | Power Quality Improvement of Fuzzy Controlled Reactive Power Compensation in a Grid Connected System for DSTATCOM. | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal of Research (IJR) |
233 | Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using Gsm Network | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal of Research |
234 | Industrial Power Control By Integral Cycle Switching Without Generating Harmonics | Y. Hazarathaiah | EEE | International Journal of Research |
235 | Smart Vehicle Safety System Using Arduino | A.Suresh Kumar | EEE | International Journal of Research |
236 | Internet Of Thing (I.O.T) Base Controlling And Monitoring Of Circuit Breaker | A.Suresh Kumar | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
237 | Simulation of High Step-Up Dual Switch Converter with Coupled Inductor and Voltage Multiplier for Grid Connected System | U.Chaithanya | EEE | International Journal of Research |
238 | A Novel method of Current Source Modular Multilevel Converter for fuzzy controller based STATCOM Application | U.Chaithanya | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
239 | Design Of An Autonomous Robotic Survellience And Security System | K.Jagadeesh | EEE | International Journal of Research |
240 | Soalr Energy Measurement System Over Wifi | K.Jagadeesh | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
241 | Real Time Vehicle Tracking System Using GSM And Gps Technology | S. Sankara Prasad | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
242 | Smart Wireless Battery Charging With Charge Monitor | S. Sankara Prasad | EEE | International Journal of Research |
243 | Simulation of closed loop control of Solar PV Array-Fed Water Pumping System Using Zeta Converter of BLDC Motor Drive | K.Jayasree | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
244 | Power Quality Improvement of Fuzzy Controlled Reactive Power Compensation in a Grid Connected System for DSTATCOM. | K.Jayasree | EEE | International Journal of Research |
245 | Design and Analysis of High Speed and Low Power Reversible Vedic Multiplier Incorporating with QSDN Adder |
K.Deepak | EEE | (International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), |
246 | A New Method of Five Level Single-Stage Power Factor Correction of AC–DC Converter for Industry Applications. | K.Deepak | EEE | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
247 | Simulation of Fuzzy logic controller based MLI- STATCOM with Synchronous Reference Frame in Power Distribution Network | E.Jyothirmai | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
248 | Simulation of High Step-Up Dual Switch Converter with Coupled Inductor and Voltage Multiplier for Grid Connected System | S Divya | EEE | International Journal of Research |
249 | A Novel method of Current Source Modular Multilevel Converter for fuzzy controller based STATCOM Application | S Divya | EEE | JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations |