Research Resources
Research Resources
Computer Science and Information Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (T-AFFC)
- IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (M-AHC)
- IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, (T-BC)
- IEEE Cloud Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
- IEEE Transactions On Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG)
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (M-CI)
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (T-CSS)
- IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (L-CA)
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine (M-CG&A)
- Computer Magazine (M-C)
- IEEE Transactions on Computers, (T-C)
- Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE)
- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, (T-CNS)
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (T-CST)
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, (T-CYB) Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics
- IEEE Transaction on Dependable And Secure Computing(T-DSC)
- IEEE Design and Test Magazine (M-D&T)
- IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (L-ES)
- IEEE Transactions. on Evolutionary Computation, (T-EVC)
- IEEE Transactions. on Fuzzy Systems (T-FUZZ)
- IEEE Transactions.on Human-Machine Systems, (T-HMS)
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (T-IT)
- IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine (M-IS)
- IEEE Internet Computing Magazine (M-IC)
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal (J-IOT)
- IT Professional Magazine (M-ITPRO)
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on. Learning Technologies
- IEEE Micro Magazine (M-MICRO)
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
- IEEE Multi Media Magazine (M-MULTI)
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,
- IEEE Network: The Magazine of Global Internetworking (M-NET)
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, (T-NET)
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (T-NNLS)
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- IEEE Persive Computing Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (T-SC)
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (T-SE)
- IEEE Software Magazine (M-SOFT)
- IEEE Systems Journal (J-SYS)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (T-SMC)
- IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (M-T&S)
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (T-VCG)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (M-AP)
- IEEE Transactions on (Antennas and Propagation, (T-AP)
- IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (L-AWP)
- IEEE/ACM Transactions. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, (T-ASL)
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (T-AC)
- IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatic Sinica (J-AS)
- China Communications (M-CHINA)
- IEEE Circuits and Systems (M-CAS)
- IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT)
- IEEE Transactions. on (T-CAS1)Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs (T-CAS2)
- IEEE Communications Letters (L-COMM)
- IEEE Communications Magazine (M-COMM)
- IEEE Transactions. on Communications (T-COMM)
- IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST)
- IEEE/ACM Transactions. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (T-CBB)
- IEEE Transactions. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, I (T-CAD)
- IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (M-CE)
- IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (T-CE)
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine (M-CS)
- IEEE Transactions. on Device and Materials Reliability (T-DMR)
- Journal of Display Technology,
- IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine(M-EMC)
- IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, (T-EMC)
- IEEE Electron Device Letters (L-ED)
- IEEE Transactions. on Electron Devices, (T-ED)
- IEEE Journal of Emerging And Selected Topics in Circuits And Systems(JETCAS)
- IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, (J-ESTPE)
- IEEE Transactions. on Energy Conversion, (T-EC)
- IEEE Transactions. on Image Processing, (T-IP)
- IEEE Industrial Electronics (M-IE)
- IEEE Transactions. on Industrial Electronics, (T-IE)
- IEEE Transactions. on Industrial Informatics (T-IINF)
- IEEE Industry Applications Magazine (M-IA)
- IEEE Transactions. on Industry Applications (T-IA)
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine
- IEEE Transactions. on Instrumentation and Measurement on Includes Instrumentation and Measurement
- IEEE Transactions. On Instrumentation and Measurement
- Journal of Light wave Technology, (J-LT)
- IEEE Magnetics Letters (L-MAG)
- IEEE Transactions. on Magnetics (T-MAG)
- IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
- IEEE Microwave Magazine (M-MW)
- IEEE Transactions. on Microwave Theory and Techniques
- IEEE Transactions. on Nuclear Science, (T-NS)
- IEEE/OSA Journal of (J-OCN) Optical Communications and Networking
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (L-PT)
- IEEE Journal on Photo voltaic (J-PHOTOV)
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (T-PS)
- IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (T-PC)
- IEEE Journal of (J-QE) Quantum Electronics
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability (T-R)
- IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC)
- IEEE Journal of (J-STQE) Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
- IEEE Journal of (J-STSP) Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- IEEE Journal of Sensors (J-SEN)
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters (L-SP)
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (M-SP)
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (T-SP)
- IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Ultra Sonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (T-UFFC)
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (L-WC)
- IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (M-WC)
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (T-WC)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- IEEE Transactions On Applied Superconductivity, (T-ASC)
- IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, (T-DEI)
- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine (M-EI)
- IEEE Electrification Magazine (E-M) (late 2013)
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent transportation Systems Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (T-PWRD)
- IEEE Power Electronics Magazine (M-PEL)
- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (T-PEL)
- IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (M-P&E)
- IEEE Transactions. on Power Systems, (T-PWRS)
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (T-SG)
- IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine (M-SSC)
- IEEE Journal of (J-SSC) Solid-State Circuits
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (T-STE)
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (M-VT)
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (T-VT)
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (T-VLSI)