Dr K Sreenivasulu
Dr K Sreenivasulu, is currently working as professor of computer science & Engineering at G.Pullaiah college of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool. He has about 22 years of experience in teaching and Industry. He has published several research papers in journals of both international and national repute.
S.No | Name of Degree | Branch/ Specialization |
Name of College | Name of University | Year of Passing |
1 | B.Tech | CSE | SJCIT Chickballapur | Bengaluru University | 1997 |
2 | M.Tech | CSE | JNTUCEA , Anantapur | JNTU | 2003 |
3 | Ph.D | CSE | JNTUK | JNTUK |
- Data Structures
- Discrete Mathematics
- Mobile computing
- Computer Networks
International/National Journals:
- Sreenivasulu, E.V.Prasad, A.Subramanyam,” Node Disposition State Verfication For Secure Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications & Technology, Vol. 1 · No. 1 · February – April 2014
- K Sreenivasulu , Dr E V Prasad, and Subramanyam “ Secure routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Laurel verification based Node Selection Strategy “ IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 11, Issue 1, No 2, January 2014 ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784.
- Sreenivasulu, E.V.Prasad, A.Subramanyam,“ OSRWQOS:Optimized Secured Routing Protocol With QoS against Byzantine Attack ”, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, Volume:4, Issue:6, Pages:1793-1798(2013), ISSN: 0975-0290.
- K Sreenivasulu, Dr.E V Prasad, Dr. A. Subramanyam “EOSRWQOS: An Energy Efficient Secured Routing for MANETs “ International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Volume 3, Issue 2, March – April 2014
- Sreenivasulu, E.V.Prasad, A.Subramanyam, “ Performance Analysis of MANET Reactive routing under Security”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume:60, No:7, Pages:0975-8887(2012),
- Sreenivasulu, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Dr.A.Subramanyam “ Routing in Manets and Security Concerns : Current State of the Art ”, paper published in International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, volume 1, issue 10 pp. 1-10 December 2011.
- Sreenivasulu, A.Subramanyam, Dr.E.V.Prasad, T.Harikrishna “A New Model for Evaluating Performance of Processor Memory Interconnections”, Paper published in Journal of Computer Science.
International/National Conferences :
- Srinivasulu, A.Subramanyam, E.V.Prasad, “VLDD: Vindicitive Linked Detection in Distance Vector Routing in Adhoc Network” published in IEEE proceedings of XII International Conference WICT-2012, IEEE Technical Activities USA, held at IITM, Trivandrum.