“VIRTUOSO” is an English Club headed by Mr. G.Sashi Kumar HOD, Humanities. The English Club is a place for language learners to use English in a casual setting. Practising skills in the classroom is important, but it is not like real life. In an English Club, you get a chance to practise many different skills in a setting that is more like real life. Though your English teacher understands your English, your English Club friends will require you to speak more clearly and listen more carefully.
English Club Bulletin Board
- The Club arranged a bulletin board, which gave students a place to write down ideas, read about current events and look at their peers work. – Put it in a prominent place or on part of every grades notice board.
- Here the students and the club members can put reports on college activities, stories, new words, cartoons, guides to your country/town, festival guides etc.
- Post current newspaper or magazine articles about global issues.
- Have a space where students can stick their English puricura (print club pictures). English puricura is any puricura that has English words written on it.
- Include a map of the world that is printed in English. Students can develop articles on the places they visited. It is also good for general knowledge and for students to learn the names of countries in English.
- Post the names and/or lyrics of cool English songs. Have students translate them into Telugu and post both sets of lyrics on the board.
- Showcase students work. Getting the students to write haiku poems in English is a good way to start.
- Include a group picture of the English club.