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www.coursera.org |
Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer courses online for anyone to take. |
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www.khanacademy.org |
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. It offers short lectures in the form of YouTube videos. |
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ocw.mit.edu/index.htm |
MIT Open Course Ware (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. It is open and available to the world as a permanent MIT activity. |
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oli.cmu.edu/learn-with-oli/see-our-free-open-courses/ |
The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a grant-funded group at Carnegie Mellon University, offering innovative online courses to anyone who wants to learn or teach. |
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www.udemy.com |
Udemy.com is a platform for online learning where experts can create and offer courses to the public, either at no charge or for a tuition fee. It provides tools for course creation, promotion, and earning from student tuition charges. |
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www.codecademy.com |
Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in various programming languages, as well as courses for learning command line and Git. |
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www.udacity.com |
Udacity offers free courses built by industry leaders like Google, MongoDB, and Facebook, helping learners advance their careers. |
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www.codechef.com |
CodeChef is a platform to help programmers excel in algorithms, computer programming, and programming contests. |
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www.geeksforgeeks.org |
GeeksforGeeks provides free tutorials, articles, live and online courses, coding competitions, webinars by industry experts, and internship and job opportunities. |
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www.interviewbit.com |
InterviewBit is a platform to learn skills needed for technology jobs. It helps users polish their skills and prepare for job interviews. |
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www.spoj.com |
The SPOJ platform hosts competitive programming contests and provides an online judge system for the automatic assessment of user-submitted programs. |
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www.hackerrank.com |
HackerRank is a technology hiring platform used by over 2,000+ companies worldwide to assess developer skills. |
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www.scaler.com |
Scaler Academy is an online accelerator program that enhances the coding skills of software professionals. |
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www.upskillcourses.com |
Upskill is a free online boot camp that takes learners from beginner to advanced developer, with a focus on web development. |
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www.codeforces.com |
Codeforces is a website that hosts competitive programming contests, maintained by a group of competitive programmers from ITMO University. |
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www.onlinejudge.org |
An online judge is a system for testing programs in programming contests, allowing users to practice and participate in contests. |
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www.edx.org |
edX is a massive open online course (MOOC) provider, offering university-level courses in various disciplines worldwide, including some courses at no charge. |
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www.w3schools.com |
W3Schools is a web developers’ site that provides tutorials and references on web development languages and technologies. |
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www.spoken-tutorial.com |
The Spoken Tutorial project is an initiative of the National Mission on Education through ICT, offering tutorials and resources for various subjects. |