Department of EEE Coordinators
AY 2016-17
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Pandu Ranga Reddy | EDC Cell |
3 | M. Venkatehwarlu | Higher Education Incharge |
4 | D. Gowtami | ISTE Student Chapter, Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Alumni incharge |
6 | S. Shankar Prasad | Training & Placement Coordinator |
7 | K.Jagadeesh | E-CAP incharge |
8 | Y.Hazartahaiah | Time table incharge |
9 | P.Vinod Kumar | R&D Cell incharge |
AY 2015-16
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Pandu Ranga Reddy | EDC Cell |
3 | M. Venkatehwarlu | Higher Education Incharge |
4 | D. Gowtami | ISTE Student Chapter, Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Alumni incharge |
6 | S. Shankar Prasad | Training & Placement Coordinator |
7 | K.Prahlada Reddy | E-CAP incharge |
8 | N.Sreekanth | Time table incharge |
9 | P.Vinod Kumar | R&D Cell incharge |
AY 2014 -2015
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Pandu Ranga Reddy | R&D Cell incharge |
3 | M. Venkatehwarlu | Time-table Incharge |
4 | D. Gowtami | Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Alumni incharge |
6 | S. Shankar Prasad | Training & Placement Coordinator |
7 | K.Prahlada Reddy | E-CAP incharge |
AY 2013 -2014
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Pandu Ranga Reddy | R&D Cell incharge |
3 | M. Venkatehwarlu | Time-table Incharge |
4 | D. Gowtami | Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Alumni incharge |
6 | S. Shankar Prasad | Training & Placement Coordinator |
AY 2012 -2013
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Pandu Ranga Reddy | R&D Cell incharge |
3 | M. Venkatehwarlu | Time-table Incharge |
4 | D. Gowtami | Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Alumni incharge |
AY 2011 -2012
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | K. Narasimhaiah Achari | IEI Student Chapter |
2 | G. Ranga Reddy | R&D Cell Incharge |
3 | D. Gowtami | Project Coordinator for IV EEE |
4 | S. Shankar Prasad | Training & Placement Coordinator |
5 | R. Sheba Rani | Web Incharge |
AY 2010-2011
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | G. Satheesh | Head of the Department |
2 | K. Srinivasa Kalyan | IEI Students Chapter |
3 | P. Revan Kumar | Placement and Web incharge |
4 | K. Deval Naik | Exam-section incharge |
5 | M. Thanuja | Departmental activities incharge and seminar incharge |
AY 2009-2010
S.No | Name of Faculty | Coordinator for |
1 | G. Satheesh | Head of the Department |
2 | D. Dhruva Harsha | Exam-section incharge |
3 | M. Thanuja | IEI Students Chapter |