Evaluation Procedure
Evaluation of answer books for all examinations shall be done centrally. All the answer scripts shall be shuffled subject wise and coded before they are sent for valuation. The theory papers of semester end examination are subjected to DOUBLE VALUATION both by internal examiner and external examiner. The first valuation of the answer scripts should be done by the subject expert. The second evaluation should be done by an external examiner. If the difference of marks in both the evaluations is less than 12, the better marks will be taken into consideration. In case of difference of more than 12 in the marks, the answer paper shall be re-evaluated by a third examiner appointed by the Examination Committee of the college and the marks awarded after the third valuations are as follows:
CASE – A: If the difference between first valuation and third valuation or second valuation and third valuation is less than 12 Marks, then the higher marks of two nearer values (with less difference) will be final.
Table – 1
Example – 1 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
32 | 18 | 10 | 18 | |
Difference of marks | 14 | 8 |
Example – 2 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
47 | 44 | 59 | 47 | |
Difference of marks | 03 | 15 |
CASE – B: If the difference between first valuation and third valuation or second valuation and third valuation is more than 12 marks, the average of two nearer values will be considered as final.
Table – 2
Example – 3 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
26 | 40 | 56 | (26+40)/2=33 | |
Difference of marks | 14 | 16 |
Example – 4 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
28 | 55 | 41 | (55+41)/2=48 | |
Difference of marks | 27 | 14 |
CASE – C: If the difference between first valuation and third valuation or second valuation and third valuation is equal, the average of two higher values will be considered as final.
Table – 3:
Example – 5 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
44 | 52 | 60 | (52+60)/2=56 | |
Difference of marks | 08 | 08 |
Example – 6 | First Valuation Marks | Third Valuation Marks | Second Valuation Marks | Final Marks after Third Valuation |
62 | 45 | 28 | (45+62)/2=54 | |
Difference of marks | 17 | 17 |
Scan Copy of Assessed Answer Book/s The application for obtaining Photo/Scan copies of answer book shall have to be submitted within three (3) working days from the date of declaration of result of the examination or issue of the statement of marks, whichever is earlier.RecountingThe application for obtaining recounting of answer book shall have to be submitted within three (3) working days from the date of declaration of result of the examination or issue of the statement of marks, whichever is earlier. Applied for recounting of answer book, the discrepancy of following nature is examined:
- Mistake in totaling
- Non assessment of a question / sub-question if required
Revaluation of Assessed Answer Book/SIf the examinee is not satisfied with the marks awarded, he/she may apply for revaluation of answer book in prescribed format online within three (3) working days from the date of declaration of result of the examination or issue of the statement of marks, whichever is earlier. The revaluation facility shall be for theory papers only. The revaluation of answer book shall not be permitted in respect of the marks awarded to the scripts of practical examination / project work (including theory part) and in viva voce / oral / comprehensive examinations.